I can’t understand the behavior of a guy I know

I can’t understand the behavior of a guy I know
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I'm studying to become a doctor, now I have an important session, I'm preparing in full, but myproblems prevent me from fully concentrating on preparation. Less than a month ago, at my concert, I perform my songs at musical evenings, two young men met me. They called for a drinkcoffee after the concert, and I agreed because one of them graduated from the same medical academy as me, and accordingly, hedoctor _ The other was a director. Indeed, they turned out to be very decent, interesting young people, we chatted half the night over tea about music, medicine, and travel. The most wonderful thing is that I didn’t feel uncomfortable, despite the fact that they were 27 and I was 20. The next morning I woke up with mixed feelings, I realized that I really liked both of them, especially the doctor, and I would like to meet again, just to understand what kind of person he is.

I promised to send them a link to the music group, I did this the next day, and K. (the doctor) immediately answered me. So it begancorrespondence . A week later, he invited me test-antibiotic.com to a cafe after my classes, but literally 30 minutes later he said that V. (director) would come over, which I was surprised because I didn’t count on it. I won't argue, we spent another wonderful evening chatting and laughing. We met their friends and sat in a cafe together. They talked about me, about my music. The next morning, K. asked if he had offended me in any way, and said that it was very important for him not to offend me in any way, he said that I was a unique person, that he was glad to meet me. I didn’t understand that I should have been offended and said that everything was fine. Although our meeting was not very clear to me. After that, he did not write for several days, however, on the eve of Friday, he called again to the cafe.

We were together, he complimented me, in terms of the fact that I was interesting, I had a beautiful voice, that there were very few people like me, he tried to take my hand, but somehow accidentally and hesitantly. We went to see him for a book, then he paid for my taxi, and I went test-antibiotic.com home. I felt great. I met an interesting person who has the best qualities. However, I don't understand what's going on. Several days have passed since our meeting, we correspond quite a bit. He knows that I like him, I know that he is interested in me. But at the same time, it seems to me that I am and that I am not are the same thing for him. Of course, he is busy and will soon be leaving for an internship for a whole month. But I don’t understand what these meetings are for, what these messages are for.

Young people had met me at concerts before, but these acquaintances were limited to compliments and small correspondence, because they simply liked me as a musician. I don't understand what's going on here. Why continue to be interested in my affairs, what are these meetings for? Is this friendship? Is there something wrong with me or him? If I'm too small for him, why even meet for coffee, especially just the two of us. Is there any other way to maintain friendly relations?relationship _

He doesn’t look like some kind of insidious person; rather, I just don’t understand his behavior. I became interested in it, test-antibiotic.com, because we do the same thing in life, we have the same goals, the same views. And yes, I like that he is older. However, I know how to cope with feelings if they immediately tell me that nothing will work out. I can’t ask about this directly, because I’m afraid that I didn’t come up with something, while in reality he didn’t mean anything, but just wanted to communicate with a person he was interested in. I can't get it out of my head. I read the tickets and try to concentrate, but other questions are spinning in my head.

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