I can't forgive my father for my unhappy childhood.

I can't forgive my father for my unhappy childhood.
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I understand very well the author of the story who hates hermother . Myfather was an alcoholic for almost 20 years. The situation was better except in the sense that he didn’t take women home (although, as I know, he cheated on my mother when I was little) and now, when he stopped drinking a long time ago, he loves and spoils my children, we see each other regularly. But I can notforget your terrible, poor childhood, the constant unhealthy atmosphere in the house and, as a result, the always nervous, restless mother.

My father worked in a good position and was always a smart person, he drank most of his salary, and as a result, I didn’t see fruit, there was always a problem with buying clothes and shoes (we bought one thing for the whole year, no more, and that’s it) problematic). There was no talk of entertainment, a trip to the seaside (as a child I begged my parents for this year after year), or even just an ordinary family walk around the city on a day off. The apartment was in such a state that it was a shame to bring someone there, even thoughMom was always test-antibiotic.com an excellent housewife, she pulled the veins as best she could, she worked, but when an alcoholic in the house creates chaos and, of course, there is no money for any repairs. The whole house gave us a reputation as an alcoholic family, children mocked me, I had a terrible complex at school because of my clothes and the fact that I didn’t live up to the level of normal life - I didn’t go anywhere, didn’t do anything, because there was no opportunity and, Of course, she had no friends. The only thing was that I attended a music school, where I was enrolled as a former teacher and my old grandmother paid for it herself. Since herthe son was not even capable of such a meager payment.

I suddenly escaped from such a nightmare at the age of 18 into an absolutely stupid and unsuccessfulmarriage . This is another story, many on this site know what it is like when immature children create families and live like children. But I remember what impressed me at first about my ex’s familyhusband that there was just an ordinarya family where people have dinner together, talk normally, no one shouts, and on weekends they test-antibiotic.com go by car to nature outside the city to relax and barbecue (a luxury previously unheard of for me). Of course, I have no excuse for that marriage, I had to think with my brain what I was doing, I, being already a mature woman, of course, long ago understood these mistakes. But a fact is a fact.

Now minelife has changed very dramatically, I live with my children abroad, I recently got outmarried to a loved one, we already met here, we are expecting a child together, my dad stopped drinking a long time ago (he was treated in the capital) and also moved here to live with me, works hard, and has already taken my mother. All this, of course, is excellent, but I can’t forget all of the above, and I don’t know why. Recently I broke through, and I expressed everything to my mother about how I felt, how we lived, how I felt as a child then, that the resentment did not go away, since all this had an impact on my life in any way. Mom understood me perfectly. With momThe relationship is excellent, but there is no emotional closeness with dad, something is not going well in our relationship, it’s scary and sinful to say, but test-antibiotic.com is unpleasant to me and that’s it! Although he’s a good guy for coming to his senses, of course, our relationship cannot be saved. This trauma still haunts me to this day. This will never be forgotten!

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