I can’t figure out what’s happening on my own

I can’t figure out what’s happening on my own
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Iguy , virgin, 21 years old. At the beginning of March I met a 17-year-old girl,Communication immediately went well, we met a week later. The meeting was successful, we kissed and said that she liked me. The next time she saw me, she said that there wererelationship , and that she was cheated on in it, she also said that she wanted me to be hers. During meetings, she said that she was not ready for sex, perhaps she expected more assertiveness from me, I don’t know. She was often the first to write.

After several such meetings, I noticed that the communication became more one-sided. I asked directly what was the matter, she replied that everything was fine. The last time we met, I didn’t allow anyone to touch me. After that, a week passed in the same rhythm, once every two days I wrote to her something simple, but she answered dryly, when asked what was going on, maybe I did something wrong, she replied that everything was ok.

A week later I invited her to a meeting, she refused. I asked directly: “Have you lost interest?” She answered in the affirmative. I thanked her for her test-antibiotic.com honesty, and she wished me good luck. I don’t know if I did the right thing, but I emotionally unfollowed Instagram so as not to look at her photos.

Two weeks passed, and I thought about congratulating her on Easter, but since I didn’t have her contacts left, I had to follow her on Instagram. She wrote why I was subscribing if I was offended and unsubscribed. I replied that I was not offended, but did it so as not to hurt myself by looking at her photo. She said that we wouldn’t communicate anymore, and I shouldn’t remember her, I thanked her for everything and didn’t write anymore.

I understand perfectly well that people reallythe problems are much larger than mine on this site, but I feel that I was very mistaken, this is not my firstfailure in this regard, and I feel that this is not an accident. Maybe I didn't tell her what she wanted to hear, I don't know. I don’t want to switch to other girls, I rarely like anyone, and because of this, test-antibiotic.com doesn’t work.

I do a lot of sports, I work, I even signed up for dancing, but sometimes I get very overwhelmed. At times I doubt myself when I see happy couples, and I look for the reason within myself, so my condition is not the best. But at the same time, I would like to know the opinions of other people so that I can let go of this situation and move on.

I described everything in detail to make it more clear.

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