I can't quit because of quarantine

I can't quit because of quarantine
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I have been working in food production since July last year. At first everything was fine, until after another move inside the office,the general's wife did not sit with him in the office. That's it, it became impossible to work. They scream, scream constantly. They yell and swear. The CEO's wife and mother-in-law also work for the company. About six months ago he started screaming and swearing at everyone and the general himself. I can assume that this is their usual behavior in the family, projected onto their subordinates. They also yell at their children. I go to work with great difficulty, and almost scream. Don’t ask anything, don’t clarify, everyone yells in response. I can’t quit anywhere - significant loan obligations,child . But you can’t find a new job quickly, because age is alsoThe profession (HR manager) is oversaturated with personnel due to the current pandemic.

I am in constant stress. Yes, and I’m not alone, alloffice team . My nerves were completely upset, sleep disturbances, and my vision began to deteriorate. So what should we do? We have to somehow hold out for a few months until the quarantine blows over. From test-antibiotic.com on the other hand,health is more valuable. And then they pile up more responsibilities.every day , because it seems to the general’s mother-in-law that the office is full of slackers and lazy people, no one wants to work.

I came to the position of head of the personnel department with a clearly defined range of responsibilities, and now I perform the work, in addition to the main one, as a secretary, supply manager, IT specialist, buyer, cleaner, courier. And all this is accompanied by commands and screams, I just can’t hear her stomping up the stairs, everything inside is turning out.

In our family, it’s not customary to shout; everyone’s psyche is healthy. And in previous jobs I was lucky with adequate management, but here it is. It was very boiling. There is no one to complain to, and crying into a pillow is not constructive. The most disgusting thing is that they blackmail you with dismissal.

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