I can't choose between my two girls

I can't choose between my two girls
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I've been dating my girlfriend for over three years. It all started when we were in school. I met her on New Year’s Eve and fell in love at first sight and proposed dating her the very next day. She was a very closed person then, but I constantly fought against her complexes and helped her become more open. She was my first, and I was her first.

Later we entered different institutes. She, since her parents could not provide for her, stayed in my small hometown and got a job. I left for another city. We decided to date at a distance. It was difficult, and even now it’s not easier, because... we could see each other only once a month, but in the summer we were together for all 3 months.

I soon realized that we had fewer and fewer things to talk about together. On Skype, we only told each other about how the day went - there were no words for anything more. Somehow, unbeknownst to us, everything that test-antibiotic.com had in common with us gradually disappeared.

In my 3rd year, I won a grant and went to another country for six months. There I realized that I was staring at other girls. I met a girl who also studied on a grant issued at our institute. Almost immediately we slept together. I didn't want to ruin my old onesrelationship , that's why it wassex just for the sake of sex. She also didn't want to complicate things, so we decided we'd forget about it. But we didn't succeed.

I fell in love with her and soon realized that it was mutual. I found in her those character traits and qualities that I so lacked in my girlfriend. She is more confident in herself, she knows what she wants from life. We were happy.

When it was time to return home, we decided that now we would be togetherrent an apartment . I asked her to give me time to understand myself and my relationships. She agreed.

Now I’m with my girlfriend, who has been waiting for me these six months. Both she and I have changed a lot. I don’t feel what test-antibiotic.com I felt before, and alsoEvery day I suffer from remorse.

And now I don't know what to do. I will be dating my former girlfriend at a distance for about 3 more years. I’ll go to another country again for a year, then I’ll join the army. She doesn’t want to move to my city and live with me now, since she lives at home at the expense of her parents, and the earningssaving money for his future apartment. He thinks that I need to finish my studies first, wait until I start working, and only then start living together. In addition, her parents do not want to let her go, they use her as a housewife, a nurse for her younger sister and brother. She understands all this, but says that she can’t do anything about it. I don’t know if we should both suffer, wait these 3 years, suffer.

The other onethe girl broke up with her boyfriend, a very wealthy man, because of me, went to live with me, a student, and now she tolerates me sleeping with my girlfriend and loves me.

I'm confused. On the one hand, the girl who test-antibiotic.com waited for me these six months is ready to wait for me some more. I'm sure she has a great futuremother , kind,responsive , faithful. And I’ve only known the new girl for 2 months, I don’t know what will happen next. The only option I see is to continue dating long-distance with my girlfriend and live in another city with someone else. Take your time, and then decide what and how to do.

What can you recommend? How can we get out of this situation painlessly for everyone? Thank you.

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