Don't give up, even if everything around you is falling apart

Don't give up, even if everything around you is falling apart
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Sometimes I go to this site and read stories. There are good stories, but for the most part they are written by people who suffer from the vile actions of loved ones, or who themselves do all sorts of obscene things. I read that I changedwife or husband left and it’s just creepy.

Why do people date for several years, and after some time betray their loved one? I can’t wrap my head around the idea that a loved one can be betrayed or cheated on. How can you abandon your children? How can you throw mud at your colleagues? Where have the respect and honor gone?

I lived with my husband for 42 years together. Anything could happen: moving to the other side of the country, lack of money, illness, job loss. Once we even lost our home. But we never gave up. They never gave up and always trusted each other. I am sure that my now deceased husband never cheated on me. I was faithful to him too. And why then join?marriage, if you don’t have real strong feelings towards your chosen one? For what?

In 1994, it happened that we lost everything. We had no housing, we didn’t even have a full-time job. The house we moved into turned out to be in disrepair. There was no longer anyone to provide housing in the mid-nineties, since one government collapsed and there was no other. My husband and two children and I moved to our parents’ house in a village that you can’t even find on a map now; no one lives there anymore. For three years we lived in a village where no one except the homeless came. They worked in the fields from morning until night. During the day and before bedtime, we worked with the children so that they would not fall behind in the school curriculum. In 1998 we were just lucky - we gotcredit in rubles. We were planning to buy an abandoned plot of land near the city. The plot was sold in dollars. We exchanged rubles for dollars, and a few days later the ruble fell. The loan was repaid immediately. There was so much money on hand that it was enough for a normal house.

Yes, we were lucky, but if you count how many times my husband and I were unlucky in our lives, we don’t have enough fingers on our hands. Remember the main thing - always hold on to your family, never betray or give up, even if everything around you is falling apart. And always remain human.

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