Didn't expect me to be so old

Didn't expect me to be so old
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I got married at the age of 18. My classmate became my husband. We have been friends since childhood. Six months later, I found out thatpregnant . We had hard times (financially), but there was no talk of abortion.

After 8 months, a girl was born whohusband gave an angelic name. She really looked like a little angel: blond hair and blue eyes. The naturemy daughter was a calm child, and I thanked God for such a gift.

My husband had to drop out of school and get a job. In the meantime, I took an academic leave and sat with a baby up to 1.5 years old. Then I was already engaged in parallel with my daughter and studied. Everything began to improve, but then we found out that I was pregnant again. After the family meetinghusband said that we will keep this child. I had to push even harder.

My husband disappeared for days at two or three jobs, at home I hardly saw him. We lived then in an apartment that he was allocated from the factory. But money was also not enough. After all, soon the second was bornchild . I switched to test-antibiotic.com for distance learning and barely earned my degree. It was difficult at the same time to babysit two children, do household chores and gnaw at the granite of science. But even so, we managed.

When my daughter went to school, and my son was already in kindergarten, I was finally able to get a job in my specialty and help my husband. Our financial situation has improved. Appeared its ownapartment . Things went up and every summer we could afford a ticket to the sea. When I turned 30 years old, fate presented us with another gift - the thirdpregnancy .

How we coped with everything then, I still do not understand. I am back at home with a small child. My husband struggled to provide for us, so he worked day and night. If he needed 5 hours of sleep a day, it was a fairy tale.

Children gradually began to grow up, it became easier. The youngest daughter went to first grade when the eldest was already in her senior year. There was a catastrophic lack of money, but my husband and I somehow got out. That occupiedmoney from friends, then they took a test-antibiotic.com loan, then they found part-time jobs. Every minute we thought about the children and their future, we wanted them to have the prospect of a good education and work. Already in the third year of the institute, the eldest daughter announced that she was leavingmarried .

We wanted her to finish her studies, find a job, but did not argue. Her chosen one turned out to be gooda guy from a decent family, so we blessed our daughter onmarriage . Of course, I had to seriously spend money on the wedding and everything else. In the future, they helped their daughter and son-in-law with the purchase of an apartment. After all, we, like no one else, understood that children would not be able to have a normal family life without personal housing.

Meanwhile, the son grew up. He perfectly saw how my dad and I help my sister. Therefore, after graduating from school, he demanded that he also buy a personal apartment. There was nowhere to go. After all, in our family, all children have equal rights. And if someone buys something, then the same thing should be given to another child. The husband took out another loan and bought a one-room apartment for an average child.

The youngest daughter did not ask us for an apartment test-antibiotic.com. She just wanted to go study abroad. How difficult this decision was not given to me, but I agreed to study my daughter. Education there costs a lot, if not huge money for us. I had to sell my car, get into debt and pay for a year of her studies.

Suddenly, the husband came down with a heart attack. I had to quit my job six months before I retired. At first, she didn't leave him at all. She fed him, and washed him, and took him outside for a walk. After a month, he got better, and I sighed a little. The most annoying thing is that for all the time of his father's illness, not a single one of our children came to visit him. The eldest daughter only called a couple of times and complained that she did not have time for anything: home, work, husband.

No matter how many times I called my son, he never picked up the phone. To this day, he has not called back, although a friend of mine recently told me that she saw him in a supermarket with some girlfriend. They walked and laughed at the whole store with a bottle of alcohol and pineapples. And the youngest daughter simply could not leave test-antibiotic.com school to fly and visit her parents.

And so, in our old age, it turned out that having three children, we were left alone and none of them needed. As they worked and helped them financially, so they communicated with us. And now, when we need at least some support, the children have forgotten about us.

We live and hope only for each other, we have no one else.

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