I didn’t expect such an act from myself

I didn’t expect such an act from myself
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I almost cheated on my husband, but please don’t judge me right away. I just can’t tell this to anyone else.

My husband and I have been together for 10 years, there isson (3 years old). Last 2 yearsThe relationship has deteriorated greatly. It's like there's some kind of crisis. She suggested going to a psychologist, but she doesn’t want to. Sometimes during big fights I think about divorce, but I love him. He’s just very emotional, he can scream, but I’m calm.

BeforeI had one husbandboy . He was the first in every sense. I was 18 years old at the time and we dated for six months. Then he left me, I suffered bitterly and met my husband. We started dating and as it turned out later, he knows Andrey (my ex-boyfriend). More precisely, they know each other and communicate well. Then Andrei left for another city and no one communicated with him.

After a while, we moved 2 thousand kilometers away, got married, lived in a rented apartment, and finally bought our own house. Why am I telling all this? And besides, it turned out to be neighborsAndrey's family . Honestly, I haven’t remembered him test-antibiotic.com these years. It happened occasionally, but then I saw it, and my memory took me back to where I was 18 years old. He has a family and also a small child. Then I couldn’t even imagine how this neighborhood would end.

So we began to communicate little by little,my husband knew everything about me and Andrey, but was not jealous of the past. Kate,Andrei’s wife , I don’t know if she knew who I was. We all talked like dear old acquaintances. I was confident in myself, or rather, I couldn’t even think what I was capable of.

It was during the New Year holidays. My husband and I had a very strong fight, the child is with the grandmother, the husband went to his mother-in-law alone because we had a fight. I was sitting at home watching TV and drinking wine. Suddenly Katya calls me and tells me to urgently come to theirhelp (Idoctor ). I ran, it turned out it was herMom fell and can’t get up on the street, and the ambulance takes a long time, and although I’m an ENT specialist, I’m still a doctor.

I helped them, and then an ambulance arrived and took her mother test-antibiotic.com with a suspected fracture, and Katya went with her. Andrey thanked me for a long time, and I went home. At home I drank moreshe wrote to Andrey herself on social networks. I understand that I should have gone to bed and not written to other people’s husbands! I wrote that I drink wine. He wrote to tell me to go to him, that there was wine too. And I went.

We talked for a long time, remembered everything, the past came flooding back. And I came to my senses only when he undressed me. I really wanted to, but I understood that this was a step into the abyss. I quickly got dressed and went home. Andrey didn’t try to stop me, maybe he also realized that it was a mistake, or maybe he has a million mistresses, I don’t know. All I know is that I am very ashamed. I still feel like a traitor. But I can’t tell my husband, he won’t forgive. And the relationship is not in the best shape anyway.

I've been walking like a mummy for 6 days now. I'm sick of myself, I hate myself. What if Andrei tells his husband everything? It’s not worth talking test-antibiotic.com with Andrey about this. What to do?

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