She didn’t forgive her husband’s next betrayal, even for the sake of her little son.

She didn’t forgive her husband’s next betrayal, even for the sake of her little son.
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I’ve known my husband since school, dated for three years, got married, and now our family is already 10 years old. It was biglove , we lived wonderfully. Recently we decided that it was timegive birth to a child and now our son is one and a half years old.

It would seem that live and be happy, but I found out thatI have a husbandmistress , or rather appeared when he was bornchild . My husband is selfish by nature, which is why he didn’t have children for a long time; he wanted all the attention only for him, but then he agreed when I began to insist. Maybe his age influenced him - he is now 38 years old. I understand the reason for the betrayal, butI still can’t forgive . I began to pay less attention to him, I took up all my free timeson , but you could have helped me, then there would have been time for him too. After all, this is not only my child, and he is not eighteen years old, many of our friends already have two or three children and cope together, there is no time for husbands to meet on the side. And so, thinking for a long time and wondering what I should do, I decided to tell him that I knew everything.

The reaction is expected: “this is not true, I have no one, I don’t need anyone except you and my son.” The husband was afraid of divorce, because he would be left with nothing. The apartment we live in, given to me by my father for my wedding (my father left the family a long time ago and thus decided to compensate me for my lonely childhood) and registered with him. The business is completely mine, and the child will also stay with me. The husband began to confirm his words with deeds - he became a caring, gentle husband and father. He said that he also wants a daughter, that he understood everything and now we will live happily. I began to calm down a little, believing that this was myguilt , but began to occasionally check his phone and found an SMS that he wrote to her. The husband began to deny it, but then admitted it, saying that he could not break up with her so abruptly and that he needed time for this. I decided to help him, did not separate the lovers and filed fordivorce . My husband asked for forgiveness, crawled on his knees, said that he understood everything, but was no longer interesting to me. The main thing is that I have my child, and let him live the way he wants.

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