This is not how I imagined my old age

This is not how I imagined my old age
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My husband and I are pensioners, we are 72 years old. There is not enough money. There are two daughters, they live separately and earn good money. Previously, the eldest sometimes helped with food, but when their grandson was born, she said that we need to help the children, but we old people don’t need much anymore, a pension will be enough.

But if onThere are still enough products , but my husband still needs themmedications , he has a heart condition, and recently suffered a stroke, although not in a very severe form. But we need to supporthealth , so as not to fall over and not be a burden to children.

I also have a whole bunch of diseases, earned from two hard jobs. And all for the sake of our daughters, whom we educated, helped buy apartments, and already helped a lot.

My husband and I live in a two-room apartment, so the youngestmy daughter offered to rent out one room so that there would be income. We both decided that two rooms were too much for us; we could make money and live in one.

But I can’t imagine that strangers will live in the same apartment with us and use the kitchen and bathroom. This is simply unthinkable for me. This is not how I imagined my old age.

When we refused, my daughter got angry and said that it means we don’t really need it if we don’t want to make room, that people are allThey live their lives with children in communal apartments, and we are so picky.

We once had a dacha, but our daughters didn’t go there, it was hard for us to maintain it ourselves, so at their insistence we sold it,They gave the money to their grandchildren’s education.

Now we really regret it. My husband says that we could live there and rent out the apartment, but our friends rent out their dacha for the summer months and have an increase in their pension. Our house was near a river, so there would be people willing to rent it. But now it's too late to talk about it.

It's quarantine now. Our daughters come one by one, but they buy food with our money. They say that they themselves are now without work. I understand that it’s hard for them too, but what should we do? The apartment will remain theirs, and this is also a significant inheritance in our time.

I also think that they could have thought about the fact that such old people as us can be examined by other people for the content andhelp . They are now busy with their children and grandchildren, and do not think about what will come to them somedaythe attitude will be the same when there is nothing to give.

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