Not greatness, but crime

Not greatness, but crime
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

On November 23, the European Parliament adopted a resolution recognizing Russia as a state sponsor of terrorism. 494 deputies out of 705 voted for the resolution, 58 deputies voted against it.

​​​Former Estonian President Toomas Hendrik Ilves wrote several PR tips for Russians and Russian liberals:

Stop being so narcissistic. Don't talk about a "Marshall Plan" for Russia when those who would fund it are reading daily reports of new atrocities in Ukraine. Don't call Westerners Nazis for not wanting Russians to go to their countries. We have seen too much bad behavior, attacks and even violence against Ukrainian refugee women and "Z" graffiti on the walls of thousand-year-old cathedrals to tolerate this. Don't threaten us with scenarios of terrible disasters if we refuse to help you financially. This is called blackmail or extortion. Nobody likes to be extortedmoney . Show some responsibility and remorse for Russia's crimes. “It wasn’t us” doesn’t work when we all know that liberal #1 called Georgians “rodents” and justified the annexation of Crimea. Condemn the war against Ukraine. Always and every time you write or say something. Condemn the centuries-oldviolence , imperialism and colonization of Russia's neighbors and state that you understand that history imposes special obligations on any future Russia. State again and again until you begin to believe it yourself that Russia as a country has no special rights. What is your “culture” ", no matter how great it once was, cannot serve as an indulgence for you and does not give you any special privileges (copy of message to the governments of Germany and France). Do not remember the convincingly debunked theory from your school textbook that the Treaty of Versailles led to Hitler. It was a German PR ploy. Its author himself, the economist John Keynes, later regretted defending this position. Understand that your path to the family of civilized countries that are taken seriously will be long and thorny. It will be watched closely, and perhaps most closely by those you have oppressed most. Understand that there are a number of countries in the world larger than Russia that have never committed the heinous crimes that the Russians have committed against their neighbors. These countries deserve attention and help more than you do. Never hear, never whine: “But the Russians suffered the most.” What you cause or have caused to yourself is your business. But what you did to others, starting from the Japanese and further along your entire border, right up to Finland, concerns us. And, like it or not, those who have not experienced your crimes will ultimately have less right to speak out on the matter than those who have. Realize that before any "Marshall Plan" can be discussed (for Russia), Ukraine must be restored. You will have to be part of this effort without having a say and you will have to actively participate in the arrest and delivery abroad for trial of thousands of your war criminals, from the smallest to the most senior. And this work will take place with the direct participation of Ukrainian investigators and police. On your land and in your archives. One way or another, all of the above must be done if you want to get a Marshall Plan.

Time is confronted with the hard cold facts of responsibility as we, who will have to pay for any “plan”, understand the responsibility.

If you don't like that, there's always the competing post-war US policy that Roosevelt vetoed, known as the Morgenthau Plan. Look for this information.