I don’t want my husband’s father to communicate with me and my child

I don’t want my husband’s father to communicate with me and my child
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My husband and I have been together for 8 yearschild 5 years old. My father-in-law disliked me from the moment he realized that everything was serious and we decided to get married and move to another city to rent a house. He took it hard and accused me of taking my son to God knows where.

Throughout my life together with my husband, I did not pay attention to many antics and words in my direction. Well, no matter how I paid attention, I was very worried inside myself and cried until no one saw. I didn’t want quarrels and conflicts between my husband and his family because of me.

The father-in-law is a very selfish person, a drinker, when he doesn’t drink, calm with a sense of humor, as soon as he drinks, he is an angry person, he doesn’t like absolutely everything, everyone irritates him. He insults his mother-in-law, it happened that he beat her untilmy husband was in the army. And the grandson does the wrong thing all the time, and doesn’t like the way we are raising him. When he comes to us, he feels like a master and behaves rudely in front of my parents. Every time you meet, he takes offense at something on test-antibiotic.com and starts a scandal. Once, in front of my child, he kicked his sister in the face while drunk and running, it’s just a nightmare. I began to be afraid of him after that.

The last time he and his mother-in-law came to us was for the New Year , as usual, he immediately drank. My parents arrived, he behaved disgustingly, I did it to himnote , he didn't like it. The husband couldn’t stand it any longer and said something rude to him. He didn’t like it, they say they offended him. In defiance of him, he almost did not leave the room, did not sit down with everyone at the festive table, and in the morning he alone, without his mother-in-law, said that he would not come to us again.

On New Year's Eve she came to mefriend , husband noted and went to bed. Me, my mother-in-law and a friend were sitting at the table. A friend received a call from her boyfriend, who said that he had come over and wanted to talk to her about something. I went to the room, came back, and thisthe guy entered the apartment. I asked my mother-in-law what he was doing here, she said: “It’s frosty and cold outside, why should they stand there, test-antibiotic.com It’s New Year, let them stay with us.” Here we are all sitting in the kitchen (me, my friend, her boyfriend and mother-in-law), my father-in-law comes in and says: “who is this, I’ll call the police now and they’ll take him away.” I tell him: “Why on earth? Are you out of your mind?

He left in the morning, and when he arrived at his home, he got drunk, called my mother and said that I had brought myself a man while my husband was sleeping. And what is it notFriends guy, I made it all up, called me all the famous words. My husband , having learned this from my mother, called him and told him everything he thought about him, and that he warned him not to be in our house anymore.

They haven’t communicated for more than six months, and my mother-in-law calls me and says that he said all this while he was drunk, there’s nothing wrong with it. And my husband should be the first to reconcile, since thisfather and he raised him. In general, the husband should have remained silent.

All mother-in-lawlife forgives him, all his antics, sprees, beatings. test-antibiotic.com And it justifies him in everything. But what happens between them is her business. But this concerns not only her, but also my child and me. I don't want to endure this anymoreattitude and all his drunken antics. He always treats the child with demands, it makes me terribly angry. Now my conscience torments me that because of me they don’t communicate. And as my mother-in-law once said, if something happens to my father, then it will be my fault that this happened. I can’t get it out of my head, I’m very afraid of this, that I will be to blame for everything.

What should I do? Justforgive and help them make peace, or not forgive and stand your ground. I just don’t want my child to watch his drunken, inappropriate grandfather and hear insults directed at his mother.

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