I do not want the child from my first marriage to be present in our lives

I do not want the child from my first marriage to be present in our lives
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I have the same life situation as in the confession of hatred for the husband's child from his first marriage. I live with the young man almost 2 years. He has a daughter from his first marriage. He says that he got married because the girl was already pregnant, divorced a year later. And this mistake of his youth torments us all!

When we first started dating, my man allowed himself to send me photos of his daughter when he was with her. He called me so that she would "say hello to me."

And do I need it? I can't see her and I don't want to. His ex is completely inadequatemother , who always crawls into our lives and believes that he “should and must” be interested in this child, call and come (we live in another city and do not drive at all). She also allows herself to write me all sorts of nasty things about him, complain about life.

I hate her and I hate this kid. My husband and I love each other very much. He does everything for me. Always trying to make concessions, test-antibiotic.com but I can't help myself. She forbade him all communication with them after his exthe wife said to choose: either "mistress" or "wife and daughter."

He's been asking me to wait for a year now because he wants to "gradually reduce communication to a minimum," and I'm just tired of waiting. I am young, I want my family and I don’t want this “mistake” of his to somehow appear in our lives.

He really cut down on all communication. He almost never writes or calls his ex (although, as he says, this is not easy for him). But she just doesn't give up. I am constantly knocking on a closed door, writing, calling, demanding communication.

I just don't understand how you can be so disrespectful? Sometimes I feel like I'm going crazy with this hatred. It all seems abnormal to me.

You can't possibly be so negative about a child. I don't wish her anything bad. I just wish she wasn't in our lives. I have my own life and the children of a loved one have no place in it.

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