I don't want to live in a foreign country

I don't want to live in a foreign country
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

A year ago, my husband and daughter and I moved to live in another country, but being here, I understand that this is not my place at all. I don’t like it here, the people are strangers, the language is different,life is not completely joyful. I feel like I'm falling into some kind of depression.

I really want to return as a lady to my family, loved ones, and friends. There is nothing and no one here, absolutely. But mythe husband is categorically against returning home, he has work here (to pay for the house and forthere is enough food ), but I’m generally silent about some kind of chic, just trying to make ends meet. And even if I earned a lot of money here, it seems to me that it would not bring me joy.

My husband insisted that he doesn’t want to leave here and won’t leave, he doesn’t want to work on a rotational basis either, but wants us to live together. The relationship is going into the abyss, because I feel emotionally bad here, I’m not in the mood, just a fierce desire to return home has been haunting me since the very morning, and on this basis we quarrel. test-antibiotic.com I don’t want to divorce him, but being here is like a punishment for me. He doesn’t see himself in his homeland, I don’t see myself here.

I can’t imagine how to find a way out of this situation, maybe someone can give advice on how to do the right thing?

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