I don't know what to do with my youngest daughter

I don't know what to do with my youngest daughter
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

In someone else's story, everything seems obvious what to do, but as far as oneself is concerned, there is complete inhibition. I don’t know what to do.

Husband . The relationship is normal. House, full cup. Two adults and beloved daughters. Nowadays it is very popular to hate mothers, we are all terrible. Olderdaughter has grown to the age thatMom already seems good. Let's get along,He calls, writes, and communicates every day . I used to be a nightmare for her.

The youngest ones were finerelationships , everythingThe pregnancy itself wanted to live with us. The child was left with us from the age of 9 months in the city where I live; here he first went to kindergarten at the age of 2. The daughter was working at the time. We adore our grandson, he is truly a wonderful child. He lived with us for months. He loves us too, but mom is mom, lately he’s been living with mom. It is perfectly. Everything seemed to be fine. We communicated normally and suddenly it turned out that I was a terrible mother and that’s allMy daughter's problems are because of me. May be. I'm not a psychologist. I love my children as best I could, I raised them, gave them an education, they turned out beautiful, healthy, and they work.

My daughter test-antibiotic.com cannot see me, she has the right. But one of these days my eldest daughter is going to come to my city on business. The youngest also goes with her on business. Which he hates. I don’t want to meet her! And I don’t want to be allowed into the house either. Let him come. The grandson will talk to his grandfather. Grandfather (my daughters' stepfather) also loves him very much. But I want to leave while my youngest arrives so as not to see each other. Let them visit in peace.

I'm confused. It will not be possible to establish a relationship with the youngest, since the psychologist convinced her (most likely, this is true) that all her problems are from childhood. Shakes her away from me.

Leave home for a while or make her nervous?

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