I don't know who to blame for our divorce

I don't know who to blame for our divorce
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

We got married six months ago. I initially fell in love with my husband, I just blew my head off. He seemed to have fallen in love too, he told me so, courted me andHe proposed to get married after three months of dating.

I can say about myself that I am pretty, I graduated from school and university with a medal, I work in a large company, I drive a car, from a wealthy family in general, the only onedaughter . My husband is a couple of years older than me, handsome, calm, educated, he also works in a foreign company. He is the only son of his mother, he grew up without a father.

They began to live with my parents. So we immediately agreed to live, because there was enough space, and I dissuaded my husband from renting in order to save upmoney for their own purposes (they thought of moving to another country). Well, what a sin to hide it was so convenient for me, because I work late, and soMom can insure and cook food.

At first they lived normally. Then domestic quarrels began. Mom saw that we were arguing and began to change her attitude towards her husband. Plus, it’s my fault that I’m used to sharing my thoughts with her, I couldn’t tell test-antibiotic.com and complain to my friends if I quarreled with my husband. All this was wrong on my part. Our conflicts with my husband were on different grounds, then he is offended if I joked, does not talk to me. Then I was offended by him that he did not wash the dishes when I came late. The schedule for working from home was also hard, he went to bed late, and I went to bed earlier than him.

After a couple of months, the idea came to me to buy an apartment. We started thinking about mortgages. On New Year's Eve, they had a terrible fight because I did not have time to set the table by his arrival because of my work. They shouted at each other, sat in different rooms, but made up before midnight.

In January, they began to think about whom to apply for a mortgage. At first he did not really want to, but after quarrels he agreed. Together with my parents we collected a down payment (50% of him, 50% of my part and parents). We bought an apartment, quarreled again because of money and a contribution. My husband quarreled with my mother, because she told him in reproach that we were fighting. He considered himself insulted that test-antibiotic.com was someonegives advice .

He left my parents, said that we would rent an apartment. We rented and stayed there for only a week. I had such a period at work that I sat up to 2-3 nights. Again, I didn't cook. My husband ordered delivery. In February I got pregnant. There was severe toxicity. I asked to move back to my parents. Husband drove, but he refused to live. Lived in a rented apartment. My mother fed me literally from a spoon, I could neither eat nor drink. Apparently I haddepression as well. Everything was seen in black, all the time tore and slept. My husband came, and I was sick of smells, including from his clothes. So I asked him not to hug much, for example. The husband was offended, told everything to his mother. She called my mother, scolded why I didn’t cook her son, saying that such toxicosis does not happen. Mythe husband said that he asked his friends, no one had such toxicosis.

I got angry and cried a couple of times. In my heart I told him that I would have an abortion. Our mothers of test-antibiotic.com quarreled at all. We went to the screening with my husband, they revealed a frozenpregnancy . I had an operation. My husband came those days while I was lying there, but was silent for the most part. I had heavy feelings at that moment. There was pain that it happened, and a sense of guilt for the words spoken about abortion, and a lack of understanding why the husband and hismy mother treats me that way.

He did not come to the hospital for discharge, he said: “your parents will take you anyway, and you will go there, and not to my relatives.” But after a while we reconciled. I went to live in his territory,the apartment of his relatives was empty. We even went on vacation with him, I took over the expenses for the ticket, since my husband had no money, but he paid for food and excursions. As I moved in with him, I tried to cook food, once every two days somewhere. Sometimes three.

They also started talking about money, they could not agree on a budget. They argued about money, who owes whom and how much, how many times I have to cook test-antibiotic.com, if it provides. We agreed that I would contribute to the general budget as soon as we move to a rented apartment. They sold the apartment they bought, there was no money for repairs, they would have to borrow. I left early in the morning for the last couple of days, I didn’t cook breakfast. He got angry, said to give him small money, since I did not cook anything. And so it was several times, he demanded to give his card for food. I bought food from her and cooked in the evening.

I got angry that he thinks that I am getting rich with his money, or stealing from his card, took my things and left. On the basis of money there was always abuse. He said that I was insolent that I did not give money to the budget. But I was going to give them when we move into a rented apartment. He was angry that his salary was spent on expenses, while mine was supposedly accumulating. I did not buy anything for myself, did not spend anything on myself in all the months of my life with my husband. What I saved up, I spent on the contribution to the apartment and on our trip. He earns twice as much as me, test-antibiotic.com and at the beginning of our life and three times more.

After the sale of the apartment, a conflict arose again. My parents, seeing that I had come back, asked him to notarize that he would return what they had invested. He was angry, said that he was not a thief. Didn't want to sign. I explained that it was just a request, no one called him a thief. Husband had a fight with dad too. After selling the apartment, he yelled at me on the street and insulted my parents. I left.

A week later he brought a letter, put it in my car. In the letter, he wrote about his grievances, that he misses me and wants us to decide everything ourselves, without parents. But the next day he deleted our photos from the social network. I wrote him a reply letter about my grievances, that I miss him. But there was no answer.

After returning the money back to his parents, he filed fordivorce . I could not understand it in any way, although I signed it. I went to where he lives. He went out to talk. For two hours he recounted grievances, he said that test-antibiotic.com hates my parents. But when I remember about toxicosis, he does not perceive it. Doesn't feel guilty.

In the end, we got into a fight. He started to choke me and snatched my car keys. I ran after him, began to pull on his clothes. At some point, he hit me, I hit him out of shock. There were bruises and my broken car. He went home. I wrote a statement, he wrote to me that I allegedly beat him. His mother walks with him, cursed with mine when we met at the damage assessment. Again, it’s my fault that I came to him, that I wanted to talk and make peace, that I had toxicosis (this is not a disease, according to my mother-in-law), that they sold the apartment. And my husband also wrote in the statement that I allegedly provoked him, beat him (he is two meters tall). Then I realized that his words came from his mother, he consulted with her, told how much we spend on food, that I did not cook for him.

I don't know how to live on. Divorce . He didn't apologize for raising his hand. Together with his mother, test-antibiotic.com thinks he's right. Only lived for six months. But there were buying and selling of an apartment, and the parents quarreled, and a dead pregnancy, and even beatings. I wanted to change everything, God knows, I wanted another chance, so as not to repeat such mistakes, not to tell my parents about our quarrels. But he doesn't want to. His mother-in-law probably set him up to divorce and buy an apartment on a mortgage so that she would not share in marriage. Also hit.

My husband said that he was jealous of my mother because I often went to her. I feel guilty that I behaved in a wrong way, that I ruined my life. Thought thatmarriage is one and for life.

I cry all the time. I think he doesn't mind ruining everything like that? Does he feel the same guilt, or is he still blaming me for everything? Everything is so stupid, because of small stupid reasons that have merged into one snowball.

I just wanted to describe it all, to confess.

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