My brother's ungrateful daughter

My brother's ungrateful daughter
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My brother is an alcoholic. At the moment, thanks to his daughter, he went tohard drinking . His niece left for another country without even warning him. My brother called her, she didn’t answer, and he started drinking, although he had been holding out for three months before that. Moreover, hemy daughter took the keys to their apartment, and called me thatFather will stay with us until she returns. She left for a year and it remains to be seen whether she will return.

I asked why she left her father without housing, one might say, on the street. The niece replied that she did not want him to turn the apartment into a pigsty with his friends, and I would control him. But I have my ownfamily , why do I need an alcoholic, even though he’s my brother? She promised to sendmoney , but has not been in touch for two months.

She used to say that she didn’t need him, she wouldn’t treat him, let him drink himself to death. She said that as a child he hurt her when he was drunk. But he raised her whentheir mother abandoned them! And now the father is no longer needed. At first my niece lived with my brother and I, then he took her to live with him. I drank, I don’t deny, but he also worked, took care of his daughter, gave her an education (my niece graduateduniversity ).

I also helped her as much as I could, but there was no gratitude to us, I was rude all the time, apparently heredity was bad on my mother’s side. Now we are thinking what to do. We want to file for alimony on behalf of our father as soon as he comes to his senses.

Tell me what documents are needed, and how else can I influence my unlucky daughter?

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