Difficult choice between child and work

Difficult choice between child and work
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I don’t know what to do right, I’m afraid to make decisions, because any action I take turns into a mistake.

I have a little daughter, she is one year and eight months old. We separated from her father almost immediately after her birth; all concerns about her, including materialproblems, entirely on me.

Until she was a year and a half old, I stayed at home with her, then we agreed with my mother that I would go to work and provide for us, and she would look after the child and quit her job, she works for three days, I will help her with money. As soon as I left,daughter immediately started getting sick, a lot of problems appeared, although when I was with her, everything was fine.

3 months have passed andmom no longer wants to sit with her, she says, go back on maternity leave and sit until she is three years old, and I will continue to work (she hasn’t quit yet). Like, the girl is still very small and I can’t cope right now. They promise to help with money, only for the most necessary.

My work is strict, if test-antibiotic.com I now go on maternity leave again, then no one will like it, and when I leave, I will most likely have to look for another place. My job is good, I’m very happy with it, it’s a pity to lose it. And living on pennies and parental handouts is also difficult for the two of us. At three then there will be the same diseases and problems.

I understand that the child is mine and the mother does not owe me anything. I'm supposed to pick it updaughter and take care of it myself. But I'm very worried aboutmoney and work. I don’t know what to choose.

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