Mother-in-law's hatred led to divorce

Mother-in-law's hatred led to divorce
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My first mother-in-law placed chicken feathers under my doormat. She did it to my death. She hated me because shemy son married me without her consent.

Mymy husband studied to become a military man in my city, where we met. He has an older onesister , who moved to Moscow and works there as a waitress. She's a little weird.

She is 33 years old, but she still hasn'tmarried , and before we met, he always went everywhere with his sister. She told him where and who to apply for. He always listened to his sister and mother in everything.

He doesn't have a father; he died from drunkenness. When he moved to my city, he at least somehow began to live without the promptings of his relatives. When I met him, he was all so white and fluffy.

We dated for three months. Then I felt sorry for him that it was a long way for him to travel from me to the institute. I talked to my mom about him moving in with us. Mom agreed. At that time, we didn’t know that he was such a mama’s boy.

We lived togetherI didn't want to get married . Then I found out thatpregnant _ We decided to have a wedding. He told his mother and sister about the wedding. They told me to have an abortion, and there was no question of any wedding. Although before pregnancy I always communicated well with them on the phone. I said that I wouldn’t do that and would raise the child myself.

We still decided to have a wedding. We chose a date, called them and confronted them with the fact of when the wedding would take place and invited them to it. Hismy mother said that she didn’t care, that she wanted him to marry not me, but the girl he was dating in his city.

I heard all this because I was sitting next to him. We decided to get married anyway, but his sister and mother were not at the wedding. But still, after the wedding and the birth of the child, we talked to them on the phone.

Then they started turning him against me over the phone. had scandals over this. Then I forbade him to call them without me, but only in my presence. But his mother called and said that she had taken a vacation and was coming to us for two weeks.

She came me and mineher family greeted her very well. She talked to me normally in front of my husband, but when he was not there, she was sarcastic and told me all sorts of nasty things. When I told him that his mother was saying nasty things to me, he didn’t believe me. He said that she was not capable of such a thing, and I was making it up.

When we were walking together in the park with the child, she started talking about his ex-girlfriends in front of me. I told her that there is no need to remember the pastthe life that he haschild andwife _ I hate to hear this. She ended up insulting me. I couldn’t stand it and was also rude to her.

My mother-in-law started rushing at me to hit me. I told my husband to calm his mother down. But he began to stand up for her and tell me that it was that it was all my fault. I couldn’t stand it, I took the stroller with the child and went home.

At home, I collected their things, and when they came to my house, I put their things out the door. My husband was on vacation at that time. My parents didn't interfere in ourrelationship , so I decided to kick them out myself.

The next day he came to me with his mother asking for divorce. He brought it to me so that I could take it, and he got ready to go home and finish his vacation. I told him: “What about the child?” And he answered me: “myMom and I didn’t want him.” I was shocked by his words.

When they left, I lostmilk . I started to get sick, I felt hot and cold. There was a high temperature. The ambulance came to me every other day. I felt so bad until my mother and I went to church. There I lit a candle for my health. We took some candles and holy water home.

Every corner of the house was poured with holy water. Literally I felt better in the evening, and the next day I recovered and rested at home. Then the next day mine arrivedbrother with his wife, and we went by car with him and my mother to the store.

When we arrived home, my mother was the first to enter the apartment and accidentally somehow touched the rug with her foot, which was lying under the door. We saw some kind of cellophane bag there, and there was something white in it. We looked, and there were white chicken feathers lying there.

We were very scared. The brother's wife said that these feathers should be burned next to some lake, river or swamp. We burned these feathers and threw the ashes into the river. Then I had a grandmother I knew (when I gave birth to my daughter, she had a hernia, and I took it to this grandmother, she cured it).

That same day we went to this grandmother and told her everything. She said we did everything right. Then she told me fortunes and said that my mother-in-law did this to me for death. If I had gone through them first, I would have died. And so relatives before me already walked along them.

She also said that I need to go to church and light a candle for my mother-in-law’s health so that all the bad things she did to me can be returned to her. We also had to look in the house for all sorts of needles and pins that the ex-mother-in-law might have left behind. In the room where the mother-in-law slept, they found some strange pin on the window. I also threw it into the river.

I divorced my husband and filed for alimony. He finished his studies and was transferred to another city. Now I'm married. This time I was lucky with my mother-in-law.

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