I hate my mother

I hate my mother
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

The idea in whichmother is an idol that must be unquestioningly obeyed, respected and listened to. It’s especially annoying when people around me start to prove how far my point of view is from being right. Especially if these are her tipsy friends, to whom she constantly complains about me, although for some reason she misses the details of why I treat her this way.

I hate my mother because she is unable to think with her head, however, I’d rather tell you my story. When your humble author was at a tender age, my mother cheated on my father, and then told him in detail how it happened. Of course, he later cheated on her, but not just once, but took on a permanent mistress. My mother’s pride was hurt so much that, faced with the fact of my father’s double family, she put me at the age of ten, on mybirthday , funny right?

And then ten years of scandals, shouting, and mutual reproaches followed. My father did not want to get a divorce for two reasons: my minor age, my illness. Alas, my nervous system, despite my fairly strong psyche, would hardly have withstood test-antibiotic.com such a powerful blow to the gut, it’s just that migraine is one of the manifestations of my illness. How's the migraine? Imagine as if screws are being screwed into your temples, your vision drops sharply, you can’t open your eyes at all without darkened glasses, the area from the fingertips of your left hand to your temple goes numb, I don’t know why exactly this is, but I hasten to assure you, this is very unpleasant, quite creepy looks like when you try to smile, but the left corner of your mouth does not react. Sometimes it seems to me that he blames himself for this, however, I do not exclude the possibility that if it were not for their scandals, which so frayed my nerves, my resemblance to a living corpse would be much less.

During these ten years, my existence could be described as between a rock and a hard place. Mother tried to prove she was right,her father was simply tired of her scandals, drunkenness, and scenes of jealousy. Until I was fifteen, no one paid attention to me, mylife was left to me entirely and completely, and then the illness that was written about above appeared. How the parents rushed about then, they finally remembered that they have test-antibiotic.comchild , hospitals, tests,medications , more scandals and two years of home schooling. Then admission touniversity , completion of the first year and one additional exam. everything, and then I see on the lists of those admitted to my faculty the sister of my father’s mistress. I failed the exam, I really didn’t want to study with her in the same department. It’s difficult to see a reminder of the one because of whom my life is poisoned to this day, and then another university, on the other side of the country, in a hated specialty, in which I am not currently a student, which, of course, makes me happy.

It’s only when I start living with my mother that I find out that she’s been havinga lover who is as dumb as a plug when he drinks, and in some cases when he is sober. This animal allows itself to walk around in my underpants and make unambiguous hints about their time with their mother. He drinks every weekend, or rather goes tobinge drinking interferes with life in every possible way, mistakenly believing that everything is allowed to him. His mother, who is 10 years older than him, does not make any attempts to influence; rather, test-antibiotic.com actively keeps him company and does not mind having sex when I am lying on the next bed. My mother daily hammers my brain with the personal life of my father, who currently lives in a neighboring country due to work. And yes, they are not divorced. They had a fight and don't communicate.

Looking atmarriage of my parents, I understand that I am getting my own, I don’t want, I don’t want procreation, I don’t want my mother to have any contact with my children, if I do get them. I am an emotional invalid because pathologically I cannot feel any emotions other than pain and disappointment, I cannot trust people, I am afraid of deception, because all my life I have been deceived by my ownfamily , if of course you can call it that.

I hate her, although many of you will say that it is impossible to hate your mother. Just tell me what to do, otherwise I will either go crazy or commit suicide.

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