Hate my life

Hate my life
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

When I was 18 years old, I got my first job in my life. There I met a young boss. Handsome, very charming and smart. While he taught me, told me, showed me how everything was, we spent a lot of time together and began to communicate on personal topics. He shared that he got married out of stupidity, a child was born, said that he and his wife were strangers, and he had been wanting to leave for a long time. I sympathized with him. Although I didn’t know much at all, he seemed to me a kind and good person.

After a month of such communication, we realized that we really liked each other. He said that he left his wife and moved in with his mother. That he's ready for a relationship with me. We had to wait some more time, but we didn’t. I couldn’t even imagine where this would all lead in the end.

He has already applied fordivorce , but they haven't divorced yet. He said that he tried to peacefully separate from his wife and agree on communication with his son, but nothing worked out. She issued an ultimatum that if he left, she might never see them again. This only angered him test-antibiotic.com, but did not stop him. When they got divorced and he started paying alimony, we rented an apartment and started living together.

I loved him very much, we lived well and peacefully, but we both lost our jobs and had no money at all. His wife took out her anger on us. She created a scandal at the company where we worked, got us fired through a relative, turned her family and friends against our exhusband , and herself prevented communication with their common son. Of course he submitted tocourt . And he won two meetings a week, but they were not particularly pleasing, because the formerthe wife was always there, they quarreled, the child cried, did not understand what was happening. It was nervous and very difficult. They began to meet less and less, untilcommunication did not go down to calls and travel from and to the garden.

We slowly found a new job and earned money for the mortgage. Until one day I felt really bad. They took me away in an ambulance. After examinations, a disappointing diagnosis was made - diabetes. Alllife turned upside down. Afterwards there were operations one after another. Everything is feminine. I became test-antibiotic.com just like a ghost. She dropped her hands. My husband and I fight, he is angry and distant all the time. It's like he blames me for everything. There is always not enough money. A lot is spent onmedicines and doctors. I still don’t have my own apartment. There is nothing. I still love him, but tenderness andthe understanding between us is gradually fading away. We can’t even watch a movie together, we swear and quarrel over the choice. And so because of everything.

I don't understand what the reason is. After all, they lived together for so many years and were happy, but then everything began to collapse before our eyes. His ex-wife is happyShe got married and has two children. It no longer interferes with meetings between father and son. My husband puts his whole soul into it. It's all about the son. He comes home all gloomy, as if he’s going to hard labor. Although I try my best. I dress up and cook delicious food. I haven’t been waiting for his help and support for a long time, but I really want at least some conversations and time alone.

I brought him out for a conversation, he absolutely does not see anyproblems in myself or in my behavior, it pokes at me that test-antibiotic.com I am sad, lost all the time. Why should it be different? I feel bad almost all the time. There is no support from anyone. AllMy friends got lost as soon as I started disappearing in hospitals, my parents were far away. I work for doctors and I can’t even buy anything for myself. For 10 years I’ve been wearing the same jacket and boots, which I bought back in college. And even if he earns money, he spends it on his son, alimony, gifts and toys for him, and brings it home, but so that there is enough for the essentials.

I'm tired of living like this. He says that he loves me, and I love him, but living like neighbors is creepy. Life passes by. At work there are only nerves, at home there is emptiness and hopelessness. And I don’t know how to fix this.

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