Unusual acquaintance

Unusual acquaintance
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

When I turned 27, parental care tired me so much that I finally realized that I urgently needed to get my own home. Unfortunately, there were no grandmothers who could leave me an apartment as an inheritance, which means I had to buy it myself. How can a middle manager with an average salary buy an apartment? Only incredit .

My parents were against the fact that I would live separately, and they didn’t even want to hear about getting into financial bondage. But I said that living with them, I would never do thatI won't get married . The argument worked, and the parents agreed, giving a little more money.

At first I planned to buy a one-room apartment, and then I thought about it and decided to aim for a two-room apartment. The difference in price is not too great, but if personallife will really work out, you can make a nursery out of the second room.

I'm lucky! I found an excellent, albeit small apartment in an old green area. The owners moved to another city and sold it along with the furniture. The renovation is quite recent, good plumbing, two charming balconies. She moved in and started living. The test-antibiotic.com euphoria lasted about a month. And then I discovered that it was impossible to survive on the pitiful crumbs remaining from my salary after repaying the loan. That is, it is possible, but very difficult. There was at least enough for the most basic needs.

A friend offered to take in a lodger in order to pay off the loan faster.

I couldn’t imagine that a stranger would live with me and use my bathroom and kitchen. But she replied that her brother had nowhere to live after the divorce, and he was quiet and modest, at work from morning to evening. He will pay regularly, as he earns good money. Here I would think why he won’t rent a separate apartment with such earnings, butmy friend kept listing the benefits of such a step. And I agreed.

I liked him at first sight and became an ideal tenant. I hardly noticed his presence in the house; he even had lunch in a cafe. But a month later he said that he was leaving me because he had found another place to live. I realized that I would not survive this. I told him something that I was sorry that now I would be alone again.

In the evening I sat and test-antibiotic.com cried. My tenant left this morning with his things. The doorbell rang, I decided it was a friend, but my tenant was standing on the threshold with a cake and flowers! It turned out that he saw me and my friend in a joint photo, he liked me, and they came up with such an original way of meeting each other. My friend knew that I was neededmoney .

Now we are already doing renovations in a new large apartment and arguing about how to furnish the nursery.

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