An unexpected meeting with your first love

An unexpected meeting with your first love
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I had my first schoollove , with which the most tender memories are associated. Unfortunately, in the tenth grade she moved with her parents to another city and lost contact.

After college, I got married and had two children, but I still remembered her often. I even tried to find her through social networks, went to a meeting of classmates, and went specifically to find out something about her, but to no avail. Last year we went to visit a friend who bought himself a new house. I was especially impressed by the area around it, which was done by a professional landscape designer.

My wife got excited about doing something similar at our dacha. We took the contacts of this designer, arranged a meeting over the phone, and yes, it turned out to be my high school crush. I was confused, I had to pretend that they had called me to work and quickly leave. In the evening I called back, and we met again, this time on neutral territory. They talked until late at night, and from that moment I lost peace and sleep, I only think about this woman.

It turns out that all these years she also remembered me, even though she wasMarried . Now divorced, no children, lives with mother. It was as if the fifteen years we had not seen each other had never happened. Feelings flared up with such force that there was no way to contain them. My wife and I have never had anything like this, even at the beginning of our relationship. And now, even more so, we live more out of habit and for the sake of the children, but everyone has their ownlife .

I've had cheating happen before, but this is not the case. And Marina immediately made it clear that she was only in the mood for seriousrelations , and is not going to become an alternate airfield. In principle, I don’t mind marrying her, but too many problems will arise in a divorce. My wife and I have a joint business, and I’m afraid the children won’t understand, especiallydaughter .

So I don’t know what to do now. Should I start over and live for myself or leave everything as it is?

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