Unlucky father threatens to go to court if I don't give him our six-year-old daughter for the weekend

Unlucky father threatens to go to court if I don't give him our six-year-old daughter for the weekend
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I lived with my ex-husband for a year, then we got married, and a year later I became pregnant. The pregnancy was planned. When I told my husband, he was delighted, but two weeks later he said that he had changed his mind and that I should have an abortion. There was a scandal - it's not a toy, I don't want to.

I left in an ambulance with bleeding due to nerves, my daughter was saved. Up to 7 months, he endured my brain, saying, they say, I’ll catch a kick in the stomach so that my daughter is not born.

I packed up and moved to another area in another city. Mom helped a lot and left with me, she didn’t say anything to him and didn’t inform him.

She gave birth to a daughter, told him - after all, the father. He asked to come, which he was very happy about, and so on. I told where I live (it takes 3.5 hours by car from him to me).

Until December 2018, he came 5-6 times a year, constantly asking his daughter to visit him for the weekend. Didn't give me a little one, of course. My daughter will be 6 in October.

He did not come and did not call himself for more than a year, then yesterday he arrived at one in the afternoon, and already left for test-antibiotic.com at 7 pm, again asking for a child for the weekend, again they quarreled, because I do not allow it. I never forbade him to come, he just doesn’t go often. I explain to him that she is still small, that he does not know the child and he simply cannot cope with her. Yesterday, he even endured 3 hours and that's it - either on the phone, or watching TV, he does not react to his daughter's questions the first time. And now he says thatthe court will go.

He also lives with a girl, she is 20 years old. I don't know how he lives, where, what forgirl , maybe he drinks all the time (then he was caught drunk driving and deprived of his license for 3 years).

How to react? Maybe someone had such a situation, what was it, what did they do? My daughter is everything to me. How can he trust her, there is no trust in him at all.

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