Unsolvable conflict with mother

Unsolvable conflict with mother
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I have a difficult situation. The fact is that I cannot find mutual understanding with my mother. I'm 33 years old, Imarried , has a 10 year old son anddaughter 2 years old.

At the end of last year, we moved to my parents in another region to work and help them with the farm. My mother had been trying to persuade me to come to them for a year. But it was not easy for us to leave the bay, work, school and all that. But in the end, circumstances developed so that I had to move out of my place of residence and move to my husband’s mother, where my sister-in-law also lives with her family in a two-room apartment. With mother in lawrelations are good. We lived for 9 months and left for mine.

I’ll say right away that quarrels with my mother arose before. Every year I came home to visit and there was constant swearing. There are three sisters in our family, I am the eldest. And she conflicts with all three. I think that the problem is with her, she is very tyrannical in my opinion, when we were teenagers, any word across was suppressed by the phrase “Shut up, or you will get it.” test-antibiotic.com Naturally, we suppressed a storm of emotions within ourselves. Grew up. There was never a warm relationship with dad; he kept silent.

Now I see more warmth in his eyes in his relationship with me. But some kind of stay with my motherfear , I’m always afraid of how she will react, what she will say? Their relationship with dad is not very good, she acted as the main one in the family, there were always fights, despite the fact that it was not dad who offended her, but she physically offended him. He loved to humiliate people morally. That's how we lived. I don’t remember a single time when they would say to me: “I love you.” Maybe that’s why, when I graduated from college, I immediately left my father’s house and started my own family. Same with the middle sister. The youngest one also came out recentlymarried _ Everyone left in all directions. And now my family and I live with my parents. Quarrels arise out of nowhere. Because of rags, cleaning children.

I cannot defend myself, since my defense turns against me, as soon as I object to something or argue over a trifle, in response I receive swearing, obscenities, test-antibiotic.com and offensive words that I do not respect her. I'm not insulting her, I'm just protecting my interests and my family. My husband and I can’t have a normal conversation, she sits in another room and inserts herself into the conversation with her comments, we laugh, she immediately begins to be indignant that we are giggling at her. AboutI’m generally silent about raising children, we raise them wrong, we feed them wrong, we put them to bed wrong.

But if I ask for advice about anything regarding children,Mom says: “I don’t remember anymore! You are parents, you know better.” Recently there was a major scandal where she shouted: “If you don’t like what I’m commenting on, why did you come here? If only we could buy a home there and live there!” Although, she herself persuaded us to come here, saying that everything would be fine. She knows very well about our situation, that we cannot afford housing in the Moscow region. It was a shame to hear all this, even in the presence of my husband, they sat as if spat upon. He knows that we have nowhere to go, but for me, it’s better to live with my mother-in-law than test-antibiotic.com with my own mother, who is tearing me apart.

I don't know what it is, but the thought creeps in thatjealousy , and maybe even envy. I said several times that I didn’t marry the guy that I saw in him? “I wouldn’t look at something like that.” And my husband and I live well, he has never insulted or humiliated me. He's everything to me andfather and friend andhusband _ I can tell him everything. Naturally, now we are looking for housing, we want to buy with maternity capital. Here the prices allow you to purchase it. But still the conflict will not be resolved.

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