My husband's unfulfilled dreams

My husband's unfulfilled dreams
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

After the first unsuccessful experience of family relationships, it took me a very long time to come to my senses, work, raisedaughter and spent all her free time with her family. And I never thought about linking my destiny with anyone.

And so it happened, our relatives invited us to the wedding, it was inconvenient to refuse. The wedding was on a rustic scale, there were many guests, it was a lot of fun, and among the guests there was a young man, let’s call him Yegor, who clearly did not fit into the luxury of the wedding. He was dressed ridiculously, very drunk and felt out of place, because obviously some of the guests were openly laughing at him. I felt sorry for him and, leaving the wedding, I told him that if he drinks, he will disappear, as happened with my first husband.

As it turned out, Yegor grew up and was brought up in a single-parent family with little income, and his courtyard friends lived in two-parent families and their parents, with their connections, had the opportunity to pamper their children and refused them almost nothing. When friends grew up, they easily met any girl they liked, they were confident in themselves and well fashionably dressed. Yegor could not openly meet with the girl he loved, because her parents objected and in every possible way forbade them to meet, because of material shortcomings in his family, addiction to alcohol and a desire to serve any of his friends who did not consider Yegor an equal. They were afraid that their daughter would go outmarried to Yegor, she will not be happy in her marriage.

Yegor was very jealous of his friends, and it was then that he got an obsession to prove it to his friends and his beloved girl, who rejected him, so that everyone would regret that they did not appreciate him. But in order to become successful and rich, Yegor barely completed 8 classes and a driver’s course and did not have a hard work ethic. And it was then that our enterprising Yegor decided to get rich, having successfully married and become rich, and leave the family with huge treasures. Remembering my words spoken at the wedding, Yegor found me, spent a long time wooing me, tried to gain my trust, and proposed several times. I, mistakenly thinking that a person who had experienced difficulties and deprivations since childhood would become a real support in life, would have a family in which children would appear and grow up in love and prosperity, agreed to officially marry him.

From the first days of his family life, Yegor did not try to be the man in the family, he often hid behind women’s shoulders and repeated his favorite phrase - I don’t know how. Yegor drank heavily, and during his binges he dreamed of that failedlove -a girl from the distant past, blamed that girl for the fact that their fate did not work out, and he almost died from love for her. He often cried in a drunken stupor and thought painfully about how things would have turned out for if he married the one who was constantly in his dreams. After heavy drinking, he returned to a normal state and blamed himself for the stupidities of his youth.

As it turned out later, Yegor was a dishonest person, unscrupulous in relationships, he lied a lot, got out, led a double life, hid half of his salary from his family. He behaved like a capricious lady, he left the family to go to his mother when he was caught in a lie for a long time from month to three years, that is, until he was absent until Yegor had serious problems.problems . Hismy mother tried to persuade me to be patient, saying that over the years Yegor would become wiser and everything would change. HisMom died without waiting for herher son will become wiser and become her support.

But over the years it got worse and worse. A childhood dream of wealthmy husband was gaining momentum and gaining weight. Every familythe holiday ended in a scandal, and if I did not agree to his terms and arguments, which, in his opinion, would lead to big profits, Yegor got up and left the family and tore up all sorts ofrelationship _ He joined the Cossacks-robbers, who independently arose with their own charter and concepts, until they began to be persecuted under the laws of the Russian Federation, then he joined the grief of an entrepreneur who provided low-quality prosthetic teeth for people. Then, having put together a team, I decided to procure hay for the cows in large quantities, then there was the procurement of firewood, and everywhere I ended up with only debts, troubles, and Yegor always found me to be the culprit.

I worked at a prestigious job, received a decent salary, the family had wealth, but not as much as he would like. My husband tried to drag me into entrepreneurial adventures because nothing worked out for him, because he likes to sleep for a long time and eat sweets. He left the enterprises where he worked with a big scandal, lost relationships with people, like recent friends, because of his dishonest behavior. Thenmy husband became addicted to taking out loans, at first small amounts for cheap cell phones of new models, and then hundreds of thousands for it is not clear for what purpose. You rarely meet such a phenomenon as Egor. Takeloan secretly from the family at high interest rates, dissolvemoney from loans for all sorts of nonsense, like rusty spare parts purchased just in case, which were lying around in the garages of his friends. Old, ruined Soviet-made cars have been standing by fences for many years as scrap metal from cunning sellers, which cannot be brought into drivable and decent condition, and then for many years paying off loans, and dreaming in long evenings about how you can get rich from this as an adult.

This is how time passed. Egor is now 56 years old, he does not give up his childhood dream, he pays off loans from an early issued meager pension. It’s still difficult for Yegor to work because he wants to work the way he came up with, labor regulations and legislation should only guard his well-being, and everything else is not law for him. Yes andthe family must guard his welfare and read his thoughts and prevent his desires.

So now Yegor has left the family, and, as always, there are people next to him who benefit from him, who do not care what happens to him and where he will end up if the family turns their backs on him. They give out advice without knowing the family at all, which plays into Yegor’s hands. While he cultivates evil on the mountain of advice for his wife,the wife needs help and support. If there are still such Yegors in life, respond, it won’t be so bitter to live out your life with your stories.

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