Unfair treatment by my parents

Unfair treatment by my parents
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 13 years old. I have a youngersister , she is 7 years old. The unfair treatment of me began from the moment my sister was born.

I really waited for my sister, at the age of 6 I loved children very much. I thought it would be cool if I had my own baby doll. But it turned out to be not so fabulous and wonderful. As my sister was born, I became not a small 6-year-old child for my parents, but turned into a slave who had to fold the child’s things, and when the baby cries, I had to calm him down.

Also, when my sister was very young,my mother was constantly going somewhere, and I had to look after the child. Once there was such a case: my mother was sleeping, and my sister was crying, I thought that she wanted to eat and started feeding her from a bottle.

Mom did not allow me to feed her, although she herself lay down and slept. Then my mother woke up and beat me. Now the situation is even worse! My sister has a terrible allergy, and therefore her mother does not allow her to eat any nasty things, evenice cream , and, accordingly, I suffer from test-antibiotic.com. My sister, you guessed it, did not grow up independent, although she is already 7 years old. She doesn’t know how to do anything, besides this she is a terrible crybaby, beats all the children in the yard, calls names, addresses adults with “you”, is very arrogant, does not listen to anyone, insults my grandmother and me.

Mom and dad don’t love me for a long time, I get it for all my sister’s misdeeds. If she cries, it's my fault. Everything is always my fault. I can't live like this, until adulthood is another 5 years. But I can't live like this for another 5 years. Every evening I cry.

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