My daughter-in-law is disdainful of children's things that were left over from my older grandchildren

My daughter-in-law is disdainful of children's things that were left over from my older grandchildren
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I have three children and five grandchildren. My daughters live next to me, each has two children, andthe son went to work and remained in Moscow. I have good children that I can be proud of. The daughters have been married for a long time, and the son got married 2 years ago. Everyone works and lives in abundance.

Of course, sometimes I get upset that my son lives far away and we rarely see each other. I would like it more often, especially since my grandson was recently born. I try to support my daughter-in-lawThe relationship is calm and friendly, but I communicate mainly by phone. We saw the matchmakers only at the wedding.

I would like to take more part in their lives, help with the baby, it’s not a burden for me, I’m retired. I always helped my daughters when the children were little. But they politely refused me when I offered to come and help for the first time after the maternity hospital. Well, yes, okay, I’m not offended, I understand that young people want to live on their own, and the second grandmother is nearby, she will help if anything happens.

But here’s the last situation... I always told my daughters to keep their children’s clothes and toys in good condition, so that they could pass them on to my brother for his children. Personally, I think that this is correct and normal, especially among relatives.

I looked through all these things myself, washed them, packed them and gave them to my daughter-in-law. There are clothes for all seasons, up to about 3 years old, only nephews wore these things. We can say that there was a complete set of things that a child needs - warm winter overalls, demi-season jackets, scarves, hats, pants, blouses, all the little things - bodysuits, rompers, undershirts, a huge number of tights and socks. I knitted many sweaters and hats with my own hands. All clothes are clean, washed, without stains, etc. I selected carefully.

Butthe daughter-in-law does not use all these clothes, she only buys new ones for the child. I haven’t seen the things I gave to my grandson in any photographs or when we communicate on Skype. I asked my son, he laughed it off. He says there is enough of everything, there is no need to transfer any more. Surely these are the words of his daughter-in-law in his mouth.

So how do we understand this? Is it whims or disgust? Moreover, it cannot be said that they live very richly; now only their son works, their daughter-in-law is on maternity leave, and there is also a mortgage and expenses forlife . Is it really impossible to take and use these clothes and save the family money? A child grows so quickly, why spend money on something new to show off in front of your friends on the playground?

I was left with a very bad aftertaste from this situation. It's not even about things, it's about the fact that my son works 12 hours a dayevery day , with virtually no rest, to provide for my family. But the daughter-in-law doesn’t seem to appreciate this, since she’s wasting money that could have been saved.

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