Daughter-in-law does not allow him to communicate with his grandson

Daughter-in-law does not allow him to communicate with his grandson
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

The son divorced his wife several years ago. They still have a small oneson . I loved my grandson very much, but I could not find a common language with my daughter-in-law. Perhaps she herself did something wrong. But she always communicated politely, never got into theirlife .

Her husband often gave hermoney . Either for gifts, then for a fur coat, or for boots. I didn’t particularly approve of this, nor did my son, but I remained silent. My daughter-in-law often complained to us that there was no money, buther husband felt sorry for her. Although his son often argued with him because of this, saying that he received quite enough andThey don't need their parents' help .

When, two years after the birth of his grandson, he applied fordivorce , everyone was shocked. From the outside, everything was fine with them. We bought our own home, went on vacation once a year, wanted a child for a very long time and seemed to be happy. There were no scandals or quarrels between my husband and I, although perhaps they simply did not wash their dirty laundry in public.

Divorcemy wife didn’t want to give it. Immediately after he left home, test-antibiotic.com began to show its character. I set a condition: you sign over your part of the apartment to me, pay alimony and support me while I’m on maternity leave, and after that I let you see your son unhindered and agree to a divorce. These conditions were announced in front of my husband and me. The son agreed, did as she wanted, made his wife the sole owner through a notary, and he himself becamerent an apartment . He loved his son very much, was attached to him and wanted to see him at least several times a week, just like my husband and I.

ButThe daughter-in-law refused all requests: either the child was sick, or she couldn’t, or something else. Then I, together with my son, applied tocourt to establish the order of communication. At the trial, my daughter-in-law staged a real circus, claiming that my son was disgustingfather , the child is afraid of him, and he should be completely deprived of the opportunity to see him. The judge suggested doing a psychological examination, to which the son agreed, but the daughter-in-law suddenly became afraid. And only after that she agreed to meetings twice a week for an hour, with her presence and on neutral territory. test-antibiotic.com It’s just a pity, she violated these conditions all the time. Bad weather, poor health, and other excuses became her constant companions.

Involving bailiffs also did not lead to anything. She skillfully pretended to be a victim who had been lied to. She played out the situations as if we ourselves were rescheduling meetings and did not want to see the child. And when my son said that he would record all calls and SMS, she completely stopped picking up the phone. It was a real war, from which my husband and I stood on the sidelines. I tried to keep the good onesrelationship , gave gifts, congratulated her on holidays, did not insist on meetings, but only encountered outright rudeness and rudeness. And one day I even heard the phrase that she doesn’t need us anymore. The child has a new father and he needs all of usforget .

Soon my son also lost his nerves. He regularly paid good alimony and also gave gifts, but he stopped calling and begging for every meeting, he simply began to live his own life. Soon he met another woman and got married. Although much later than his ex-wife (she actually jumped outgetting married in just six months). And I test-antibiotic.com kept hoping that she would come to her senses. She called, inquired about business, sometimes transferred money, and really asked to see her grandson. But a pandemic began, and my daughter-in-law, very afraid of infection, refused me. Then I met them a couple of times on the street, but they hastily literally ran away from me.

I recently saw them again. She took her grandson to training courses. He has grown a lot, literally becoming a copy of my son. I was happy, came up, and with my daughter-in-law’s permission, talked to him a little. A very lively and sociable boy. He was curious who I was, because he didn’t remember me at all. After 10 minutes of conversation they left. And then, about another week later, I called my daughter-in-law and offered to take some berries that I had picked in the forest. She rudely replied thatThey already bought the berries , and in general, they told me not to call again. They say the child was scared and didn’t even go to kindergarten for several days, for fear of meeting the “scary aunt.” I am sure that the boy was not afraid of me, he did not show it at all, on the contrary, he talked about his toys, the books that were read to him. It was very disappointing, test-antibiotic.com, when the daughter-in-law started her topic again: he now has other relatives, and we don’t need you.

I will not sue her and go to the bailiffs, as my son tried, I have too weak a heart and not enough nerves to endure the attacks of her relatives. After all, they even called and threatened me. They tried to force their son to stop trying to meet with the child.

I don't understand why she needs this. Why is she doing this? We have always treated her well, even added most of the money to the apartment in which she now lives. Her alimony payments are high, she doesn’t work herself, she has everything. Live and be happy. And we don’t ask for more, just to see our grandson at least sometimes, but no...

I know that her currentHer husband also has a child from his first marriage, that he sees him and communicates with him without hindrance, so why does she, even following his example, prevent her son from communicating with his father? Why does he tell all his mutual acquaintances that my son allegedly abandoned the child? It is very convenient to pretend test-antibiotic.com to be a victim and listen to how everyone feels sorry for you.

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