My daughter-in-law did not accept my gift, saying that I have no taste

My daughter-in-law did not accept my gift, saying that I have no taste
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My daughter-in-law disliked me from day one. But I tried not to notice this so as not to offend my son. And when I first congratulated her on her birthday , I realized that she considered me stupid and narrow-minded. She casually took the perfume and flowers I had given her and said that I had no taste. I turned it all into a joke, saying that now I will givemoney , butthe daughter-in-law replied that she did not like congratulations. Since then I haven’t given her anything, not even flowers. She just said that they shouldn’t give me anything, otherwise it’s somehow awkward, I seem to be in their debt.

When my grandson was born, I bought a warm walking suit (for the stroller), but my daughter-in-law returned it. She said that she and her son would choose their own children’s clothes. Her son supported her and said that I don’t understand children’s things, there’s no point in wasting money. Thus, he supported her opinion thathis mother is stupid. I endured this too. I gave the overalls to a neighbor who had a grandson.

This year mydaughter gave birth to a girl. I, taught by bitter experience, asked what the child should buy. The daughter suggested going to the store together. I paid for everything, and my son-in-law’s parents bought the stroller. I knew that my daughter wanted a white stroller, but the matchmakers brought a beige one. They didn’t ask, they wanted to make it a surprise. The daughter didn’t even show that she wasn’t very pleased, she said that this color was very suitable for a girl. But if she had even said a word that she was unhappy, I would not have been able to stand it and put my daughter in her place. But everything worked out.

I understand that young people are different now. We were glad for any help from our parents, but now they all have expensive smartphones, fashionable brand clothes and almost all of them have cars. That's why it's like this for parentsattitude .

But the daughter-in-law's dissatisfaction did not end there. She found out from her daughter that I bought gold earrings for my granddaughter, and gave my daughter my grandmother’s earrings for her. Very beautiful, with a precious stone. I didn’t tell my daughter about why I don’t give gifts to my daughter-in-law, so that there would be no enmity between them. That’s why she shared it, even showed it to The daughter-in-law told her son that I gave gold to my granddaughter, but I only bring sweets andfruits .

But how can I give something to my grandson without being insulted?

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