Daughter-in-law does not allow my son to communicate with me

Daughter-in-law does not allow my son to communicate with me
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I never had an official marriage, but I gave birth to a son, what is called “in sin”, I decided thatI will lay down my life for the sake of the child. I thought and was the best mother in the world.

We lived with the same man, it was probably just so convenient for him, because since my youth I had my ownapartment (rich dad tried his best). ThisThe guy got along with me. He didn’t ask me to marry , and that’s okay, in the 90smarriage was not very fashionable. When was he born?son , I somehow got bored with the guy, because my son became my whole universe. I didn’t even notice how my roommate began to walk, and then I sent him on all fours, I didn’t even file for alimony.

My son and I had no need while my dad was alive, he fully provided for us. MyMom said that I was raising the child poorly, I was completely affectionate to him, I need to be stricter. I tried, but it didn’t work, because if even a tear appears on his cheek, I immediately melt and test-antibiotic.com fulfill all his whims.

When my son was already going to school, my dad passed away, I had to rely only on myself, I went to work. Despite the fact that the “baby” was already a teenager, I tried to finish my work as quickly as possible so that my boss would let me go home. By that time, I had mastered the computer and worked with papers: if I did everything quickly in a day, I was allowed to leave early. I immediately ran through the store to get something tasty for my son.

My son's army was the hardest test for me. I had to pay the right person to have my son serve close to home. It’s clear that every weekend I rushed to him with bags full of goodies, I was even scolded for this, they say, my colleagues are probably teasing my boy for being a “mama’s boy.” It was the happiest day for me when my son returned from the army and I threw a feast for his friends! Guys and girls came, and I noticed one, beautifulgirl , but she has such a heavy, withering look. I really want to pull my head into my shoulders. Oh, if only I had known then that she would become test-antibiotic.com my son’s wife. And what a wife too.

The son really lost his head over her. He rushed around with flowers, spent half his salary on a small bottle of expensive perfume, and came up with some surprises, like climbing up to her window on a winch. I rejoiced at his successes in his personal life, but my inner voice told me that nothing good should be expected from this union. When the son decided to get married, he said that the wedding would be according to the bride’s script, and he needed to earn a lot in order to pull it off. My mother and I took pity on our fiance and gave him a large amount of money we had saved, which was spent on the whims of our daughter-in-law.

I let the young people live in my apartment, or rather, I just went to my mother. Literally a couple of days later, the refurbishment of my apartment began, where I no longer had a place: one room was their bedroom, and the other was a living room with a wide table in the middle. There’s not even a folding sofa there, it’s short, so you can’t sleep. My daughter-in-law began to grimace when I arrived. But she didn’t want to cuddle up to her son all the time, but these “calf tenderness” angered her. Then test-antibiotic.com I began to notice that she ignored everything - myadvice , my conversations, she won’t even smile at my jokes. He will grimace and turn away. They stopped inviting me and my mother to the holidays because they only have a youth group.

When my granddaughter was born, my mother and I no longer visited them at all. The child is supposedly allergic to cats, and we, with our sweaters and cat hair on them, bring infection into the house. It is clear that she came up with this idea. When I was offended and dared to do this to my daughter-in-lawremark on this matter, he got offended and made a crying scene for my son. Since then, for her, my mother and I became enemies No. 1.

And a year ago my mother died, and I was left completely alone, andthe quarrel was not in vain. My son secretly comes to visit me and begs me not to tell anyone about this, otherwise rumors will spread and they will reach his wife. He became completely thin and downtrodden.

Where did I miss in raising him, what did I miss? Why are they doing this to me?


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