The daughter-in-law is unhappy that we came to see the newborn grandson

The daughter-in-law is unhappy that we came to see the newborn grandson
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

A month ago, our grandson was born. We were very happy and immediately after the return of the daughter-in-law from the hospital, we went to visit her and the child.

But we were not happy. The daughter-in-law did not even hide her irritation. Although we brought gifts,money . She was especially unhappymother (the young live with the parents of the daughter-in-law).

I am very sorry, because I am the same grandmother as she is. My sister-in-law was rude to my daughter when she tried to give her usefultips . My daughter has three children, sothe daughter-in-law could have listened to her. But in response, she heard that she herself knows everything. She also returned the big teddy bear, saying that it was useless for a newborn, but just right for my daughter's children. Butthe child will grow up, and are gifts really returned back?

We stayed at a party for less than an hour, we evencoffee was not offered. The son does not have the right to dispose of it, so he was silent. I cried all the way home. I did not expect such a reception andrelationship .

Since then, I see my grandson only in the photographs sent by my son. To come, to see the child, no one offers, but we ourselves no longer dare. I constantly invite them not only to visit me, but also to live for at least a month, but they refuse. She asked her son to meet on the street when they would walk with the baby. He said that let the child grow up, then we will walk with him.

The daughter-in-law of the child has already transferred to the mixture, maybe that's why she doesn't want us to come and condemn her. But we already know everything from our son. I feel sorry for the grandson who is deprived of mother's milk. But I'm not going to say anything about it, so as not to aggravate an already strained relationship.

I wouldn't be surprised by my daughter-in-law's behavior if she was like that all the time. But before we normally communicated with her and with her parents. But after the birth of a grandson, they were changed. We couldn't hurt them in any way. When acquaintances and girlfriends ask how my grandson is, I don’t know what to answer. To say that I saw him only once is embarrassing, but I don’t want to lie. After all, is different.

Mymy mother left me a one-room apartment. We are currently renovating it. They planned to sell and divide the children equally with money. And nowMy husband doesn't even want to hear about it. Insists on handing it over after repair. She said that he had no hope for such children. We need to think about our own old age.

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