I just can't decide to divorce

I just can't decide to divorce
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

After five years of marriage, I realized that my husband and I were strangers. Communication is limited to a couple of insignificant phrases at breakfast and we both don’t understand why we are still together. Life has become boring and gray. I stay late at the office to earn more becauseMy husband couldn’t find a job for a long time, and now he works for pennies, but as he says, he doesn’t get tired and he has enough. Enough for myself, I earn everything else. Life has become boring, gray and ordinary.

And we got married out of great and strong love. Our parents were happy, and so was ourthe family was an example to follow. We spent all weekends together, only the two of us went on vacation. But it didn't last long. My husband somehow quickly lost interest; at one time I had a suspicion that he was cheating on me. But constant scandals and showdowns only worsened the situation.

At some point I realized that it was time to get a divorce, but my youngest suddenly got divorcedsister , her husband said that he fell in love with someone else. When my parents found out about my decision, they...Mom said: “How can I test-antibiotic.com look people in the eye that you are both divorced” and I didn’t dare for her sake. I thought that when everything calmed down and my sister came out againget married , then I can change mylife _

Sometimes you want to give up everything and leave home at least for a while, no matter where, just to relax mentally and live alone. But I know that I will never be able to do this. Many of mineMy friends , and even my sister, haven’t settled their personal lives after the divorce and tell me that although I don’t have an ideal family, I still have some kind of stability. And for those around me, I am a married woman, which especially pleases my mother, and no one needs the details. I'll probably never decide todivorce under pressure of circumstances.

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