Never forgive betrayal

Never forgive betrayal
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Married for 17 years, and I think that this should be the end. I myself was stupid 10 years ago, I can’t forgive myself for this. But I will talk about this a little later, in chronological order.

First wasthe love that is minemy husband almost begged me. I was an impregnable girlwas not going to get married . All my friends told me to pay attention to a guy who is crazy about loving me. Moreover, he is from a non-poor family, at the age of 26 he already drove his car. And I gave up.

Our wedding was beautiful, the father-in-law tried. I don't have a fatherMom worked as a kindergarten teacher, how much could she earn?! Everyone at the wedding admired that we were the most beautiful couple, that we would live happily, because none of us would look to the side. I really at the time of the painting was already in love with my husband to the ears. The mother-in-law bought an apartment to live separately. We lived for our own pleasure, then we got a dog, thendaughter was born. Everything is like everyone else.

The betrayal happened when I was on maternity leave with my two-year-old daughter The situation is standard: the husband began to linger from work or disappeared somewhere with friends. Only a friend began to hint to me that I was mistaken, my husband clearly had a mistress. I got into my husband's phone, nothing special. But then my husband had a meeting of classmates in a restaurant, and he did not come home at night, the phone was turned off.

She began to look for him early in the morning, asked her neighbor to look after her daughter, came to his best friend, a classmate, wanted to call, but the door was open. In the kitchen, this friend is sleeping with his head on the table, everything is smoky, bottles are lying around, and in the room my husband is sleeping in bed with some girl, both naked. I wanted to throw a tantrum, but restrained myself, photographed a couple and left. Nobody noticed.

The husband came home for dinner, crumpled and guilty, they say, I'm sorry, after the restaurant we went to a friend, got drunk there, the battery in the phone sat down, I could not warn. And I gave him all the compromising evidence with pictures. As it turned out later, that was the way it was: we went in a crowd to this comrade, only was not a purely male company, half of the friends left and could not get the owner to close the door. The intercom was broken a long time ago, so everything turned out so easy for me.

My husband fell at my feet, begging me to forgive him, saying that he had taken revenge on his classmate in this way, because she had once rejected his love at school, and now she is a loner, so she needs it. He decided to give up and quit. For a long time I resisted and was going tofile a divorce . My husband asked for forgiveness on his knees, father-in-law came running, they also persuaded me not to destroy the family, scolded my son. At first my mother was angry with her son-in-law, but then she asked me to forget all this, maybe the demon had beguiled him, and now she is suffering. I agreed to forgive, but on one condition - we will move from our regional center to the regional city. There will be a change of scenery, there will be many opportunities for work and, perhaps, I will be able to forget everything. My husband and parents turned inside out, but within three months we had already moved to another city in a two-room apartment.

It would seem that could calm down on this, my husband has become an exemplary family man. 10 years without a hint of betrayal, everything is wonderful. But not so long ago I went to the central supermarket of our city (there is more choice than the one next to us), I see that my husband walks between the shelves. He stopped at the wine department, chooses a bottle, and not alone, but with a lady. They collected a package of everything, everything, paid off, they were going somewhere. I'm behind. But I could not be a detective to follow where they were going, I saw that this couple was kissing on the sidewalk, I accelerated and moved my husband in the back. He is shocked, looks at me confused, and the girl is at a loss, smiling. It turned out that the same classmate! I will always remember her face, even if it is sleeping. After a short pause, I ran home.

Do you think my husband followed me? No matter how! He came late in the evening, drunk, began to say that they met her by chance, there were no feelings anymore, they just wanted to sit, remember their youth. I kicked him out, he left.

But now I don't blame him, but myself. How could I forgive him 10 years ago! After all, if I were tougher, my fate would be different. And now I'm already 40 years old, who needs me anymore?

I feel bad, I suffer, but it's only my fault. Do I still love my husband? I don’t know, rather I feel sorry for my daughter, she cries. But I will definitely file for divorce.

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