Do I need this meeting?

Do I need this meeting?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Back in my school years, I accidentally met a boy two grades older. We were friends, walked together, he helped with homework. One day he told me about his feelings, but I could not reciprocate, since I hadboy .

A lot of time has passed. I had other guysI’m married now, but I still can’t let him go. We can’t even call our friendship a relationship, he looked after me beautifully, walked me home from school, was affectionate and kind.

I liked him, but I never told him about it. She flirted with him and played. I knew that I had no future with him. I liked his attention because there was no romance with my boyfriend.

Ourthe friendship ended after his graduation. He was drunk and said a lot of unpleasant things to me. Said I broke his heart. We have cut off all ties. Sharply, once and for all.

From time to time I thought about him, found him on social media pages. networks. I remembered how we walked with him. I missed him, I missed him.

We met recently. He changed, I invited him to meet. Everything was on fire inside me, I was worried. Should you talk about your feelings? I think this is exactly what he's waiting for?

I do not know what to do. I can'tforget him. It's been a long time, and I still can't let go of the past. I don't want to ruin the meeting.

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