Do I need such relatives?

Do I need such relatives?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Happened the other dayquarrel with one relative. Personally, I would have cut it long agocommunication to a minimum, but myMom stubbornly clung to her, because “there are no more relatives,” “it’s so bad,” “what if we needhelp , and besides her, there will be no one to help.”

About 20 years ago, when our family was going through difficult times, we often borrowed from this relativemoney . Everything was returned. She also helped resolve some organizational issues several times. She gave me expensive gifts as a child. I considered her the ideal woman and dreamed of being like her: beautiful, charming, popular with men, kind, rich. When I grew up, everything turned out to be a little different.

The relative turned out to be a real predator. The wealth was obtained through large-scale fraud at work with money and theft. She stole at work and in small things - for example, dishes. Most of all, she sought to get as many apartments as possible, so that she could then sell and rent them out. To do this, she tried to gain the trust of relatives who could leave an inheritance, and started affairs with men from with the goal of deceiving them in the future and taking away their apartments. She was not very lucky, but she worked tirelessly and is working in this direction. She was never kind, apparently. Because we once borrowed money from her, she apparently condemned and despised us. When herAs my daughter grew up, she began to treat us with contempt, condemning us for poverty and lack of repairs, although our life was not so bad, although worse than their family.

When the relative herself came outmarried for the second time, she began to show off to her husband how kind she is and how she helps us alllife in everything. She herself stubbornly imposed her help on us for absolutely unnecessary petty reasons, then she boasted about it to her husband, and exposed us to him as some kind of beggars, almost living their whole lives at her expense. My husband became indignant and began to treat us accordingly, although initially he communicated well with us after meeting us. She struck up close friendships with our other relatives, who were essentially nobodies to her, and with whom we had disagreements regarding the division of the inheritance. She constantly informed them about all the events in our lives. And we began to hide everything we could from her so that she wouldn’t tell them. When we met, she praised me that I was not like my mother, and behind my back she called my mother a loser in front of me, and constantly underestimated all her achievements in words. This outraged me, I would have quarreled with her long ago, but my mother restrained me, although she was upset by her words that I conveyed.

She was very cruel to her loved ones. When her grandmother fell ill, she refused to look after her or hire a nurse or find good doctors. Only the daughter of that relative, a 14-year-old schoolgirl, who could do little to help, looked after the grandmother to the best of her ability. And the relative herself, when we met, said that she was already waiting, could not wait for her grandmother to die, because she was incredibly tired of her. Grandmother died a week later. When she got sickmother , she left her alone after a stroke in the hospital and went on vacation abroad because “she promised this trip to her son as a birthday present.” Then she hired a nurse for her mother, but refused to take her to live with her. So the mother lives alone in her apartment with a nurse.

To top it all off, this woman regularly visits various grandmothers and sorcerers, removes damage from herself, attracts good luck in business, and so on. I understand that these are probably just coincidences, but it just so happens that after each of her trips to the sorcerers in our family, someone gets very sick, and big troubles begin. I understand that it is stupid and superstitious to believe that these trips somehow affect us, but dealing with such a person is very unpleasant for me and our entire family after this. In recent years, we have reduced communication with this woman to a minimum; we see each other only on holidays. But she often calls my mom to chat. I had the imprudence to often complain to my husband about this relative. He made his conclusions. And when a week ago my mother-in-law and I fell ill again, andMy husband had troubles at work, and all this coincided with another call from that relative, he got drunk out of grief, called this woman and told her everything he thought about her. He is a very religious person and even more superstitious than all of us put together. He said some stupid things to her, accused her of going to witches with the aim of harming us.harm , and then we feel bad. He demanded that he stop doing this, otherwise he would take action.

Of course, I don’t make excuses for my husband. I read it with all severity and forced him to call this relative with an apology. But she didn’t want to talk to him, blocked all our numbers, and wrote a message to my mother that she didn’t want to know us all after what happened. Meanwhile, all that happened was that a drunk man called her and said all sorts of nonsense. She can't help but understand that everything else is has nothing to do with it. My mother is very upset by what happened, she doesn’t know how to make peace with this relative now. In my heart of hearts, I’m even glad that we will no longer communicate with that woman. But I'm very sorry for my mother. I don’t know what can be done now and is it worth it?

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