Is it necessary to save a marriage just for the sake of children?

Is it necessary to save a marriage just for the sake of children?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I want to tell you my story to talk it out, because there is no one else.

I met the man of my dreams, we met in the forest, somehow unexpectedly, when I was walking with my dog, he told me about his sympathy, that he saw me in the forest in the summer, and he liked me. He took my phone, sent all kinds of SMS with jokes, then I got sick, and he brought me a jar of honey andantipyretic medications to help me get better.

I, of course, appreciated this, and thought that since he cared about me so much, it meant he loved me and was not indifferent. Then they quietly started dating, kissing, took me to the cinema, I slowly fell in love with him, forgetting about my friends and everything, one might even say I disappeared into him for a year, we were one.

Then, after a while, disputes and quarrels began, with or without cause, they met and then separated. Then I got pregnant, and of course I was worried thatthe child will be raised without a father, but he assured me that everything would be fine, he said: “give birth.” Then he asked me to marry himget married , I agreed. His parents were glad that the adultmy son is finally getting married, but they didn’t allow me to register the child on their territory; I registered it with myself, with my parents.

We had differentrelationships - sometimes everything is great, sometimes it’s completely bad, and mainly it was his interest in the toys on the computer, and to my requests for help with something, he answered that he would do it now, and everything lay idle for a long time. Then I gave birth to my second child. He treats children well, but he hardly deals with them, he helps me under pressure,There is sex , but there are no friendly relations, although I tried to build them with him, talking and resentment does not help. What changed himattitude towards me, I don’t know, I’m afraid that I got pregnant for the third time, I had unprotected sex, I took an emergency pill, but for some reason I feel that something has changed in me, it’s as if there are some movements inside, whoever was pregnant knows .

The relationship with my husband is like strangers to each other, but I want to leave the child, and God willing, I will raise it myself, althoughpregnancy is in question. How should I proceed to With my husband, we became like strangers, and all this after the birth of children, I’m thinking about divorce, but I feel sorry for the children, I don’t want to hurt them, and so that they are responsible for their parents’ mistakes. How to proceed? Maybe someone has had a similar situation and can tell me.

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