About our medicine and our doctors

About our medicine and our doctors
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

A wonderful person has passed away - myhusband Andrey Vladimirovich. Calm, modest, always reserved and... very fair. A clean, bright person. I am sure that all residents of our small village would subscribe to these words. There are few people like Andrey. These character traits destroyed him. If he had been a brawler, arrogant, tactless, he would not have sat in front of the doors of soulless “doctors” for 5-6 hours in line (with such and such a diagnosis!). He had a myocardial infarction. From 9:30 pm to 5 am there was practically no assistancehelp . I begged over the phone to bring pills to anyone I could reach, any kind, from the heart. The nurse on duty (and she hasn’t been working for a long time, after the reduction of medical staff) tried to get at least something from the ambulance, but there wasn’t even validol in there!). And all this in the presence of a patient who understood that he had little chance of survival. I saw how I tried to open the first aid kits of the cars, hoping that there was at least something there. And only then, at 2 a.m., when our ambulance arrived, they did something to him. And when he was taken away test-antibiotic.com on a stretcher, he looked at me with such a look that everything went cold inside me. Then, later, when he had already arrived home after treatment, he said: “I was so afraid that I would die, and you would be scared, you’re all alone here with me, but I hoped that Zoya (this is a nurse) wouldn’t leave you alone at night.” , and the children will arrive in the morning.” He was always like this, he always worried about me, but he didn’t think about what was bad for himself.

They brought him to Elantsy, as he later said, put some kind of device on his arm, and left him in intensive care until the morning, explaining that a doctor would come to work in the morning and examine him. As he later explained to me, this device will signal with a red light if I suddenly die. Maybe this is not true, but you can imagine what it was like for him there alone. But calling a doctor is not their custom. One of the residents of our village told me that when she was brought in, also with a serious diagnosis, the working day had already ended, she heard the nurses bickering: “Now it’s your turn to call, I’m test-antibiotic.com afraid, I called last time.”

Having spent 10 days in Elantsy, mymy husband was sent to Irkutsk, to the Angara, for rehabilitation. He called me (it’s good that we now have a connection, otherwise when my sons were in Chechnya, there was no connection, and I had to travel several kilometers to find out at least some news - were they alive?), that there was almost no improvement , still has the same pain in my chest, still the same weakness. I say, you ask for a direction to Irkutsk, to the regional office. It's not allowed, they say. But why? He was discharged, and he needs to go to the clinic to get a stamp, almost half a kilometer, maybe more. I called my sons, maybe someone can take time off from work. Dad doesn’t feel well, but it’s too early to take the minibus in the morning and still look for this “Angara” around the city. One of the sons literally “arrived” after 2 hours. We arrived at the clinic, and there the seal “went” to Irkutsk, and without the seal they won’t take it to the Angara. My son left work (thank you, they don’t have “soulless” people, everyone went through the war, understand each other) and my father and test-antibiotic.com went in the car to “look for a seal” around Irkutsk. My father was tired, nervous, and felt very ill.

The next day my Andrey calls me again, he says they forgot to put the cardiogram in Elantsy, and for a week they didn’t send it. And there they don’t know what to compare their cardiogram with, and they assigned him to undergo the appropriate procedures on the floors. One of the doctors then in the Angara said - why were you sent to us, you should have gone to the Regional, and even gotten some treatment. And when he became completely ill, one of the sons called an ambulance, and he was taken to Regional. And then they set up “stands”, he would have had an operation, but the surgeon was getting ready to go on vacation, wait, he said in line, on September 9, you will come for hospitalization, writing him a referral (the heart attack was on March 22).

After treatment, Andrei came home with one of his sons by car. He said, the treating doctor says, they did everything you need, later, if it gets worse, you’ll come and we’ll do some more work. And if we contacted Elantsy, it is unlikely that they would give him a referral to the Regional, and they themselves did nothing. I just went and extended test-antibiotic.com sick leave. A healthy person “comes to his senses” after our roads takes 2-3 days – 200 km through the mountains and potholes. One day I was once again in Regional Hospital, and our local therapist called: I had to appear at the VTEK on August 5th. The son once again takes a “day off” from work and takes his father to Elantsy (fortunately, he was not in Onguryon). Having arrived, we waited from 7:00 to 2 hours. At the reception they answer, we don’t know when it will be, wait. During the appointmentthe doctor called somewhere, was constantly absent, and then completely said that we don’t need any VTEK, we’ll just extend the sick leave. My husband then got very nervous because he took his son away from work and sat there hungry for half a day; he had to go to bed every hour, as he told me, and it was a little relieved. But who understood this? So I endured it as long as I could. One of the patients advised me to buy a spray, when it’s really bad, spray it on and it will temporarily go away. It cannot be used often. While he lived at home, he hardly used it. It's rare to ever get nervous. He begged his son to take him home; he didn’t really like the bustle of the city. He will live in the city for 2-3 days and that’s it, he’ll hurry home, he says everything, some bright, colorful things, everything is noisy, buzzing, he’ll hurry home to Onguryong. There was no better place for him than Onguryong, he could talk to birds, he felt sorry for every bug. And he taught the children to do this, and the grandchildren will see an ant and worry about how it will survive in the village without an anthill - grandfather’s school.

I brought himson home, my grandfather cheered up, to Baikal, he says, I want to, I miss him very much. We took all our grandchildren (we have 5 of them) and went ashore. Someone makes a fire, someone collects firewood, the eldest granddaughter inflates a rubber boat - her grandfather rows in the lake (her grandfather taught her to row when she was 7-8 years old). And then a call from Elantsov - I saw that my Andrey was feeling bad, and had already gotten to the point of having an attack, it was a good idea to always carry a spray with him. I took his phone and called this number back. It turns out that the nurse from Elantsov rudely informed him that he must report to test-antibiotic.com tomorrow (the 6th, and he was there on the fifth) to undergo the VTEK in Ust-Orda. He tried to explain to her that he was already in Onguryong, and that he was there yesterday, but no one wanted to listen to him. She didn’t even talk to me, although I tried to explain to her that he shouldn’t be nervous; before the operation we tried to avoid all kinds of stress. With difficulty they reassured him that there was no need to go anywhere, everything would be fine, you’d go later.

In the evening, our paramedic came and said that we could go to VTEK on 26. On August 25, again one of the sons, taking leave, came to Onguryong to pick up his father. They left at 5 am. Travel for 5-6 hours to make it to the appointment, not to sit in line after such a difficult journey. What were they like?disappointment when they were informed that they would only be received after 4 o'clock. And so he sat in the clinic, he was so patient. I called him, go to the cafeteria, have a snack, but he didn’t want to eat, it was very hot, and he kept using the spray (was it possible?). That night his son took him to Irkutsk so that the next day he could come to Ust-Orda early, test-antibiotic.com again, not to languish in line, but to be the first to go. I also called him when he was in Elantsy, he was so upset, all “on nerves”, he said: they talk to me like that, as if I were putting on. I consoled him as best I could: well, just be patient a little longer, soon you will get through everyone, they will perform an operation on you, and it will be easier for you, and you will no longer sit in lines until you lose consciousness. And he told me: I want to go home, to Onguryong, I’ll live as long as I live, I’m tired of listening to all these humiliations. Be patient, I say, you’re patient with me, and he really was so patient, the likes of whom probably don’t exist anymore. Well, okay, he says, he agreed with me so timidly. I’ll cry little by little from my grandchildren and from my sons (they came to help prepare firewood and hay). We started a farm, we dreamed of helping our children somehow, our grandchildren are growing up, everything is expensive in the city. I felt sorry for him to the point of tears, it was hard for him there, in the city, in the queues, but what can I do. I don’t show him my tears, I encourage him over the phone.

In Ust-Orda they also came at him test-antibiotic.com: why didn’t he come on the fifth, he wasn’t entitled to so many days on sick leave. But he tried to explain that he had nothing to do with it; due to his character, he remained silent and endured. Sit, they say in the corridor and wait, we will decide what to do with you, go to your Elantsy and figure it out yourself. I lived with Andrey for 37 years, I already felt his anxiety, his heart so much. I always called myself when he felt bad. And this time I called when he was standing on the street, confused and didn’t know what to do (this is with such a bad heart). People! Aw! Where are you? Do you even have a soul? Heart? Compassion? Medicine! Aw! Save, help! He was only 58 years old! I tell him on the phone, I’ll call Nekipelova now, but I didn’t know that she went on vacation. Andrey says, just don’t call your son, he’s sleeping in the car, yesterday at 5 am they arrived from Onguryong, and then he went to work at night to take me to the hospital early in the morning. He pitied everyone, protected everyone, but he himself could endure everything, test-antibiotic.com that was his character. Within a few minutes I called him back, he reassured me - they said wait about 1 hour, we need to write documents for registration of disability, he says they give me group 2. Why am I without a job? He's allHe worked his life first as a forester, then as a huntsman, he loved the forest, animals, he was scared, hurt, hurt that he was 1 year away from retirement. I consoled him: you will go to your cordon whenever you want, you will live there with your foresters. Again he agreed.

Already in Irkutsk, when there was 1 week left before the operation, I called, again I was nervous, my sick leave did not “go through”, it was written incorrectly in Elantsy. And we both have loans, we have done home renovations (for the first time in 10 years), in my opinionOn credit we bought cattle, calves, chickens. His hospital credit should have been deducted. And again he was nervous, and again he had attacks, but why did he have to correct someone’s mistakes? One of the sons called Elantsy, they said that the HR department was to blame, and in the HR department they point to Elantsy. Well, figure out your mistakes yourself. test-antibiotic.com Why should a patient suffer?! And a bank loan will not wait. And this is the second time our son had to pay off our loan, for Andrey it was insulting, but we know that the children themselves do not live in wealth. One sick leave was sent to Angara without a stamp, although Andrei was in the Regional. When he got there again after the hospital, he had to send his son with a minibus to Elantsy and back to meet another minibus. Probably, Andrei should have had a heart of either iron or stone, like all these medical workers, in order to survive all this calmly.

And then the day of his hospitalization came - September 6th. His daughter-in-law brought him to the clinic, he had to show his documents at the reception, they looked at him and said - you will arrive at the end of September, but he felt so bad, he hoped so much, we were all looking forward to this operation. Then they told him to sit and wait in line at the clinic to see the surgeon. They arrived at 8 am. I called him every hour. Andrei said that it was very stuffy, and it was very difficult for him, and that he had already used the spray test-antibiotic.com many times. I begged him on the phone to let him skip the line, but he said that they were calling me here. And again, his character, he was well-mannered, tactful, modest - this was his ruin. I was already crying into the phone (apparently my heart sensed something was wrong), please come in and say that you can’t sit anymore, and he’s always so calm and tells me in an irritated voice - but they don’t care, they went to lunch, I’m already dizzy like cast iron, maybe from this spray. You, he says, don’t worry, as soon as I go into the office, I’ll call you myself. But my heart was not at peace. After barely an hour, I called him again, but... the phone was not reachable...

I’m writing now, and tears are pouring straight onto the piece of paper - what could I do, how I wanted to help you. My dear grandfather, my dear man, I didn’t even want to think that you, like that, might have fallen in the corridor, although the surgeon “doctor” (if you can call him that) called his youngest son, who was on a test-antibiotic. com treatment with hypertensive crisis, what is ithis father died in his office during an examination. Is this so? For some reason, they didn’t want to accept him, telling the receptionist that he needed to come at the end of September, although he had a referral for hospitalization on September 6, on that day he died at the door, without waiting in line. My heart senses that he said something harsh, offensive, that there are no places, or something else, my heart immediately felt it. I would like to look into this “doctor’s” eyes, although they probably won’t be able to express anything, they are probably empty.

Why did you, gentlemen, doctors, allow a patient with such a weak heart to sit under your door for more than 5 hours? Who do you call first? If my husband had died during the operation, or after the operation, we would all cry, sob, but we would understand that medicine was powerless, we did what we could. But the heart cries three times over, it contracts, it aches, it hurts because it tormented the person in the queues. Lord, why did he die so cruelly, test-antibiotic.com suffered for someone’s callousness! Why won’t anyone answer for this, maybe because there is no such article - answer for callousness! Maybe that's why we die in lines because we don't have money? Is this why medicine treats us this way?

I called everyone I could who I have in Irkutsk, but either I was also faced with callousness, or it was too late. My husband's memorial day is coming soon. He died on the 6th and was born on the 6th. I'm sorry I couldn't save you.

P.S. Maybe the health department will somehow be interested in this letter, or is there sheer callousness there too?

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