About fate and invitations to tea

About fate and invitations to tea
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I'm 32 and I've been divorced for 4 months. I was married for 8 years. Seven of them were decided ondivorce _ At first I felt sorry for him that he would disappear and all that (ladies will understand). Then I felt sorry for myself. She’s not a beauty, she doesn’t have a great figure - who needs me, but here it’s like some kind of guy, but a man. After seven years, I realized that there was no point in pity - I filed for divorce. And I realized... How wonderful life is and how many (it turns out!) there are handsome men around who show you signs of attention. It's almost November, and my eyes sparkle like spring!

A month ago, one young man (not married and never been) began to pay me clearly more attention than he should. But since I am a person with experience (brokenlove and so on), newI'm not in a rush to start a relationship .

A couple of weeks ago I met an old friend. We started talking and started chatting on ICQ. And then he asks me a question: maybe some tea? (well, you know what I mean). I’m cautious about casual sex – somehow it’s not for me. Apparently, family life and test-antibiotic.com rules affect what cannot be changed, etc. or I'm just old-fashioned, call it what you want.

But the body demands it. In general, I agreed to “tea”. We agreed to meet at 21:00 near my house. At 20:30 I was already getting ready to drive towards my house (I was at a business meeting). My best one is callinga friend says: I parked the car in the wrong place, and a tow truck took it away. My friend's location is a five-minute drive from me - how can you leave your friend? She didn't know about my meeting. I called the young man and explained the situation, that today “tea” is cancelled. He seemed to get it right. In general, I rescued my friend from trouble, and drove home thinking that it was necessary.

Today we again agreed with the young man for “tea”. Moreover, today I had English courses. There are two options for events, either English and “tea” disappears, or English disappears, but there is “tea”. I chose the second option. And... you won’t believe it, 10 minutes before the meeting he calls and says that he’s drawnThere are no problems today. I understand that there won’t be a third time for test-antibiotic.com. It’s funny to me, I decided to go against my principles - and apparently it’s not fate.

But the first young man, who shows signs of attention, but does not rush me, does not move a step away. Very cute and funny. There wasn’t even a conversation about “tea,” but he spends eight hours a day next to me. It’s very nice, I feel like a woman, which has not happened to me for a long time...

Question: is it really our destiny that rules in life, and is it destined for us by someone? Or do we just not see and understand everything? Or is it just all coincidences?

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