I found out about my best friend's wedding from a social network.

I found out about my best friend's wedding from a social network.
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Nadezhda and I have been friends since first grade, we sat at the same desk all through school, we were close friends, we were always inseparable together. Before graduation we quarreled, simply because of the color of the dress, and did not communicate for 3 years. During this time, I graduated from college, she graduated from college, met at an alumni reunion, started talking and became friends again. But over time, I began to notice how she had changed: she became envious, angry, constantly gossiped, and she was constantly frustrated by the fact that at the age of 21 she was still a virgin, and she was unattractive in appearance, thin, with bulging eyes and crooked legs. That's why she constantly told tales about how she beat off gentlemen in stacks.

At the time of our meeting, she did not work anywhere, she was sitting on her parents’ neck, so, since she had a lot of free time, she began to come to my work. Of course, I was glad, but the boss was not happy and therefore, after her next visit, he invited me to leave my position.

For six months I was looking for a new job, I went with Nadya and these test-antibiotic.com trips made us friends. We found positions in a large hypermarket, where we worked for the next 6 years. We worked together, walked together, went on vacation together. A year ago, Nadya quit her job and said that her eyes hurt from constantly sitting at the cash register. After that, we began to communicate a little less often, but still, every Friday we went to our nightclub and partied until the morning, went shopping on weekends, and just talked.

Before the New Year, Nadya announced that she had a new admirer, a certain Oleg, a wealthy businessman, fully packed, and that he was taking her to the Carpathians for the New Year holidays. Of course, I didn’t believe her and was offended, since we were going to go to Lviv for the holidays, but nothing.

On January 2, she called and began to tell me how she had rested. In response to my request to look at the photos, she began to come up with different fairy tales. Then I somehow forgot everything, continued to communicate, make friends, listen to fairy tales about how beautiful she is. In April I met Misha - gooda simple guy , Nadya did not immediately approve of him, she constantly whined that test-antibiotic.com he was a beggar, not handsome, etc., but I remained unconvinced. This summer we planned to go to the sea together: me with Misha and Nadya with Oleg. The vouchers were purchased a week in advance, but suddenly she declares that she hasshe 's depressed and she's not going anywhere. I was shocked: andthe money will be lost, and the setupgirlfriends . Misha came to the rescue - he invited his friend and his wife, of course notfriend , but nothing, we had a good rest.

During the first 10 days I completely devoted myself to the sea, sun and relaxation, and on the 14th day, I realized that there was Wi-Fi at the base and in the evening I decided to go on social networks. I thought about talking to Nadya, since she didn’t answer her calls for the entire 2 weeks, I even started to worry. Having entered the social network, I was stunned: I had a new friend (K*va Nadezhda), no, it was my friend Nadya Po*va, but only in a chic white dress and with a bouquet of yellow roses. I fell into a stupor. At first I decided that it was just me, then I decided that the test-antibiotic.com computer was just glitching and turned it off. For a day I retreated into myself, Mishka didn’t know what to do with me, he understood perfectly well what it was like to receive such a blow from his best friend. But I couldn’t understand why she planned all this, she waited until I left the city, why?

Mycommunication with my inner self was interrupted by Mishka, he went to the page using my password and brought me to show me something that I didn’t see: at the bottom there was an album with wedding photos and the caption: “My family’s birthday is 04/27/2013.” It turns out she was alreadymarried and agreed to go to the seaside with me? I started flipping through the photos and saw thatHer husband is not a wealthy businessman Oleg, but a modest security guard of the same store, Ruslan, who also has alimony payments for 2 children. I was horrified - and this man was insulting my Misha!

Of course, I wanted to write her a lot of interesting things, but then I changed my mind - she doesn’t deserve it. I returned from the sea, went to work, andlife went on as usual: work, home, Mishka. This week, test-antibiotic.com Nadya came to the megamarket, to skimp, she walks, smiles and says: “Well, come on, friend, you didn’t even congratulate me!” I answer her: “What should I congratulate you on, you didn’t tell me anything, and I don’t believe what’s on the Internet.” She smiled and asked: “How is it going with you and Misha,not asking for marriage yet? It’s time for you to get married, he’s baking.” I replied that she was in trouble, but everything was fine with me. With these words I turned around and left.

And in the evening I saw messages on the Internet: “When Misha gets married, I hope you haven’t forgotten about your girlfriend - I’m a friend!” I didn't have enough words to answer. Then I got ready and wrote that as soon as I did, I would immediately post the photo, just like you. In response, an SMS came: “If you do this, then our friendship will end!” I calmly answered: “Isn’t it the end after your wedding?”

This is how I lost my best friend. If notInternet , I still wouldn’t know anything.

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