Communicating with my mother, I lose time and vital energy

Communicating with my mother, I lose time and vital energy
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

This happened to me and my mother. I am already 45 years old. It was unsuccessfulmarried ​Returned home with the child. Dad died soon after. And my mother and I began to raise the child.

Whenmy son grew up, I met a man. He came to live with us. Naturally, my mother didn’t like it. There was an angry silence, angry remarks, sidelong glances, and behind our backs all our relatives threw mud at us.

So they lived, got used to it. We've all been living together for 8 years now. My son also brought a girl to us three years ago. This is how we live on a collective farm. Three ruble apartment . Well, sort ofMom calmed down a little. But, despite the fact that she constantly went somewhere to relax (either on a visit, now in a sanatorium, now at the sea, now on an excursion), she again began to make dissatisfied, angry faces and snort when, God forbid, we went somewhere... Someday we’ll get together and won’t take her with us. A week's worth of grievances. Doesn't talk. She walks around offended.

Although we practically didn’t go anywhere. There was a difficult financial situation (loan , failed business, work wasn’t going well). My husband and I got out as best we could. We made it out, thank God. And it seems like we are slowly starting to look around and plan some trips. some kind of rest for us together. I want to relax. After all, we already live as a collective farm, crowded together. But mom is offended. It must be taken everywhere. She traveled, but it wasn’t enough for her. She needs bread and circuses. And the fact that she can just take a break from us when we leave doesn’t suit her. This is already pissing me off. Honestly. This is the other side of such love. And I wrote this softly. You can't describe all the emotions.

I feel like my mother is vampireing my energy. And so we live together. Let's talk. No! She needs to communicate 24 hours a day. She's retired. She is bored. She listed me among the bestgirlfriends . I recently went to see a friend, and my mother threw a tantrum. I tell her that you should have been taken to my friend? No. She wanted to go to the dacha with me. But he doesn’t go without me. No, my dear parents who love their children very much, you are strangling your children in your arms. I really lose strength, when my mother is around. I need to rest from her, not with her. She has now learned to respond to pity. Already aged. This is manipulation. And people like this piss me offrelationship . We still need to learn to let the children go and be able to entertain ourselves. And if age still allows, even find a guy to spend time with.

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