Common problems brought us closer together and led to happiness

Common problems brought us closer together and led to happiness
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

This story began with great grief. I was married. Everything started well, changes began after I was bornson . The son was born sick, with cerebral palsy and Down syndrome, diseased kidneys and heart disease, in general, terriblepain , both for him and for us parents.

I don't know why but probablymy wife always blamed me for the fact that my son was born like this. Thanks to our care and love, our son lived for 12 years, although the doctors said that he was very weak and would not live long. A year and a half before my son’s death, I found out that my wife had someone else.

There was no scandal, I just packed her things and said that she could go to him since everything didn’t suit her so much, but I wouldn’t give up my son. For the sake of the child, she stayed and swore that she had finished thoserelationship . A year and a half later, the son died, the heart operation was successful, but a few days after the operation complications began and the son died without regaining consciousness. I fell into depression, we buried our son, and not even a month had passed before my wife left for that same lover.

I didn’t care about her leaving, but I couldn’t get over the death of my son. I broke down and started drinking. I probably would have died fromalcohol , would have burned from this if not for an accident. Returning from work one day, I went into the store for another couple of bottles to drink and forget at least a little from the pain. And fate so strangely happened that I met an old friend in the store. Anya and I studied together, but we were, as they say, from different planets. She is smart and an excellent student, and I am a slacker and a company lover. In general, there were different people and almost never crossed paths. And then we met.

Anya was then in no better condition, or even worse, than me. She had been undergoing treatment for a long time, as there were hugehealth problems , had a miscarriage. She was also treated for depression,My husband left me after a miscarriage. Probably fate brought us together, there was no other way. Two broken, broken people met, we simply became salvation and an outlet for each other, this saved both of us. We started talking, then Anka was admitted to the hospital and I started visiting her. I didn’t notice how I stopped drinking, she just became my whole life, I began to live only when I saw her, and there was no time left for the rest. After the hospitals they started dating and then living together, a year later they got married, and a year later Anka became pregnant. We sat and cried, hugging each other, words cannot describe what it was like for us.

Much water has passed under the bridge since then, we already have two children, sons, the eldest is 15 and the youngest is 13 years old. The relationship with Anya is the best it has ever beenthere was no life with my ex-wife and before her. This is how it happens. But if we hadn’t met then, maybe we would have gone to another world, lonely and broken. Now I understand that my life is not a life without her, I can’t even imagine myself without her, and she loves me just as much, a lot of time has passed, and we still live as if there was a test-antibiotic besides us and the children. com each other has no one. This is how it happens, through pain to happiness.

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