It's very difficult to be a single mother

It's very difficult to be a single mother
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I'm 34 years old andsingle mother . My parents are pensioners, there is no one to help financially, but morally they are my only support. At first, when they found out that I was going to give birth to a child withouthusband , there was a terrible scandal, but I survived everything and now I don’t regret it at all, I love my son very much, he is my only joy in life. Mom and dad also can’t imagine their life without their grandson; they don’t even remember that they were against his birth. The guy I was dating was divorced, he has two children from his first marriage, and when he found out that Ipregnant , began to insist on an abortion. But I’m so old now that I decided that this is the only chance to have a child, even if he leaves, and in the end, I was left alone with the child.

During this time (his son is already two years old), he has never once asked us, there is no help from him. Once, when it was really hard, I called and asked to send at least somemoney forbaby food . The answer was: “Which of us wanted this child? You need to think about what you’re going to feed him earlier.” After such words, I’m even glad that he left us, because he would have behaved the same way in the family. A friend for a long timemarried , has two children, butmy husband prefers to go out with friends on the weekend to drinkbeer than going for a walk with the kids. Secondmy friend got divorced and was left alone with the child, I think that I would have had the same thing.

I plan to go to work, my parents will look after my son, I need to earn money, otherwise we are all sitting on our parents’ small pensions, and my money is for the child, which mostly goes to him. I'm just afraid if they can handle it. I don’t say anything to my parents about this so as not to offend me, but I myself think that it might be better to register for kindergarten if they take such a small child.

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