The people closest to me abandoned me

The people closest to me abandoned me
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My exthe husband was a military man. They lived in different garrisons. They raised their only daughter with love and affection. She had a slight birth injury, so they tried to give her more love, helped her and always felt sorry for her.

She grew up as a completely problem-free child. She was sympathetic, kind, studied with “A” grades, and graduated from school with a medal. There were always many of her friends in our house. WhenMy daughter was in 11th grade, my husband was transferred to a new duty station, and in order not to traumatize the child with moving in his senior year, I stayed with her at my old place, so to speak, to “finish my studies.”

Well, it so happened in life that my husband met another woman there, and we separated. The parting was very difficult, there were scandals, tears, reproaches. At first he didn’t communicate with us, didn’t help us financially, it was very difficult. Then he slowly began to establish contact with his daughter when she was already in her second year at the institute.

She and I lived amicably and happily, we were very trustingrelationship _ I did not work because I underwent a complex operation and became disabled. After the second year mydaughter came out test-antibiotic.comgot married , we all lived together, everything was fine, two years later she gave birth to a charming girl, my only granddaughter. The family council decided that she would continue her studies, her son-in-law would work, and I would take care of my granddaughter. So, from the very birth, from June 2005, I took care of my granddaughter with great love. When the granddaughter turned 1.5 years old, her daughter’s relationship with her husband deteriorated and they separated. The daughter was very worried, but then she began to make new friends and she stopped worrying, time did its job, healed all the wounds.

My daughter is beautiful and smart, kind and cheerful, so men look at her, but it never came to a serious relationship. There was one case when she dated a guy for a year, they even started talking about marriage, but then he told her that he was not ready to raise someone else’s child. For her, this was another disappointment in life and in men. Somehow, things didn’t work out that way, so we lived in a “woman’s kingdom,” the three of us everywhere. Now my granddaughter was growing up, she was studying at school, she also showed very good hopes, a very kind person. Then, unexpectedly, my daughter was offered a job in Moscow, she left, and my granddaughter and I were left alone. It was difficult for everyone, everyone was getting used to living apart, and it was also difficult financially. A year later, my daughter moved me and my granddaughter to Moscow, we sold an apartment and bought a small one in Moscow, but it was cramped for all of us there, Therefore, they began to rent out their own, and began to rent a larger area for themselves. Everything turned out just like in a fairy tale - we enjoyed the capital, saw and learned a lot, the relationship was still good and kind, trusting. My daughter worked, my granddaughter studied, I helped with the housework (cooking, doing laundry, going to extra classes with my granddaughter), in the evenings everyone gathered for dinner and talked about how the day went.

Then my daughter went on a business trip and on the way she met a guy and became inspired. Everything seems to be fineMuscovite guy , never married, no other former life, works, literate, lives alone with his mother. It seems like a blank slate, take it and write a new oneHe really liked his life and his daughter. I started inviting them and my granddaughter on weekends to various entertainment (museums, shooting range, archery, cinemas, billiards and much more). My daughter is all glowing, and I feel so good at heart, I thought maybe this was her destiny. Somehow their relationship began to develop quickly, literally two weeks later he wanted to meet me and even began talking to her about living together. This embarrassed me a little, well, somehow everything was so fast, but this is the modern world, and my daughter began to say that it was better to do everything quickly, otherwise everything would drag on and come to a dead end.

So the day came when this guy came to our house (after three weeks of their acquaintance) and somehow I didn’t like him at all from the doorway, so he caused such negativity in me. He was visiting for only 30 minutes, but it seemed like I spent half my life with them. He behaved somewhat rudely, arrogantly, boasted all the time about his achievements, even lay down on the sofa, spoke very loudly, just deafeningly, and all this in 30 minutes! After his departure, my soul was somehow empty, disgusting, I felt some kind of dilution. I began to talk with my daughter that there is no need to rush into cohabitation, I need to take a closer look and get to know the person better, that some kind of intuition tells me, I can’t understand what, but I feel anxious. My daughter didn’t listen to me at all, she started telling me that I envy her happiness, I’m jealous of her,

From that day on, our life turned into a complete hell. We started having scandals, insults, and swearing. She didn’t come home to spend the night, she only quarreled with me or didn’t talk at all, and a month later she announced in yet another scandal that they had rented another place and the three of them would live together - her daughter, granddaughter and this guy. She transferred her granddaughter to another school in the middle of the quarter (now there are no grades in some subjects for half a year) and abandoned all additional classes (her granddaughter was fond of music, studied guitar, piano, violin, vocals, and dancing). They live in a prestigious area of ​​Moscow in an expensive apartment, and after the scandal they left me completely alone. Then she offered me to rent an apartment in their area to help pick up the girl from school. I alone collected all my things, ordered a car with movers (and my daughter didn’t even call or come).

The young man turned out to be not entirely decent, he minesmoney by deceiving honest people on a social media page. networks are pure debauchery. My two beloved girls fell into such “clutches”; they began to tell me straight to my face that they hated me and have hated me all my life. They shout and are rude, my granddaughter comes after school but doesn’t talk at all, and my daughter doesn’t come at all. They don’t invite me to their place, they say that there’s nothing for me to do there, otherwise the young man won’t understand them, thathis mother came to visit, now he doesn’t invite them anywhere, they just sit at home and watch TV. And only 22 days have passed since we all left.

My granddaughter began to lie to me and be insolent. This evening we went to the cinema with her, everything was so tense, but without hysterics and screams. After the session, she deceived me, I made another remark to her, we had a row right in the cinema, she began to mock me with grins and ridicule, called her mother that her grandmother threw a tantrum at her. My only beloved daughter arrived, almost defending my granddaughter with her fists. Yes, I made a remark on the merits - lying is the last thing, anythe lie will become obvious, and then how will you live, to which the granddaughter replied that I mortally offended her by suspecting her of lying. They both eventually told me that they were tired of me and never wanted to see me or communicate with me again, that only now they learned real life. And I have no one else in this life (no other family, children and grandchildren, no husband, no parents, no sisters or brothers, no job, no corner of my own).

I love my girls very much, they mean everything to me in this world, I don’t understand what happened to them, where can I get the strength to survive all this, and I don’t want to live like this, such a life is worth nothing. I really ask for help, please advise how I can restore my previous relationship with my children, my little blood, or is this the end?

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