From hatred to love and betrayal

From hatred to love and betrayal
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I lived with my dad and mom. I graduated from school and entered college. And a year later myDarling father died. Mom became a widow at the age of 39. She endured a year of mourning, was alone for another year, then she met a man 7 years younger than her and brought him into the house. I now have a stepfather. His mother lived with him in a civil marriage, was in love with him, even I faded into the background with her. I was offended that she forgot her father so quickly, and I hated my stepfather with a fierce hatred. I suffered a lot, losing first my dad, and thenmother's love . I felt lonely, unwanted. She closed herself off. She put all her energy into studying and became the best student on the course. I decided to get a good education, find a job and leave my mother. But to leave, you need to study and live with them for three more years.

In the meantime, I had to endure both the hated stepfather andmother . At home I tried not to communicate with them, locked myself in my room and studied and studied. My stepfather kept trying to help me with my studies. But I hated him so much that I immediately became aggressive when he simply opened his mouth. I called him first name and shouted: “What do you understand about my studies? Better take care of your old lady!”, that is, my mother. And his mother was wildly jealous of him, created scandals, and watched him. Her love turned into some kind of despotism. I don’t know how my stepfather stood it. This is how we lived in hatred.

I studied easily, I didn’t miss a single lesson, I was better prepared than anyone else for the seminars, all the tests were credited to me automatically, I passed the session easily. But I didn’t like the holidays, because I needed to be at home more. Then it turned out that my stepfather’s specialty was close to my specialty, and he understood it. He graduated from our institute, and knew some of my teachers who still taught him. One day we were even able to calmly talk about the teachers and the institute. Then I remembered that my stepfather was the source of all my troubles, I was rude to him and locked myself in my room. Then a couple more times we talked about the teachers and the institute. He inquired about my studies and gave me some useful advice. But every time I remembered that he was my worst enemy and ended the conversation with another rudeness. My hatred had no limits.

Gradually, the hatred towards my stepfather began to weaken. We talked more often, it was interesting with him. I noted that my stepfather was not as bad and nasty as he seemed before. They say there is only one step from hatred to love. He no longer annoyed me. My future promised to be good - I studied well, they predicted a place in graduate school, and then a job at our institute.

I caught myself thinking that I wanted to communicate with my stepfather, I was angry with myself. And then I realized that I had fallen in love with a person I hated. The shock was strong. How could this happen? He made me lonely in my house. Because of him, my mother forgot about me. No, I couldn’t fall in love, it’s impossible, it’s wild. But...I fell in love. And she no longer snorted when he addressed me, but waited for it. We were no longer enemies. The mother was glad that there was peace in the house. She did not know the reason for this world.

And one day, when my stepfather and I were alone, he confessed his love to me. Previously, there was a war between us, but it turned out that we love each other. Incredible! Love has taken us around. The mother faded into the background. It was just the two of us. My stepfather said that when I graduate from college, we will get married. He doesn’t even have to divorce my mother, because they are not scheduled.

My mother found out about our relationship and kicked me out. My stepfather left with me. We got married. Ours is growingson , I am a candidate of sciences, I work at my native institute. Everything is fine with us. But mother hates the three of us and curses us. The stepfather, who basely deceived her, me, the underwater snake, and our child. I feel sorry for her, because she was left completely alone, and even with a load of terrible hatred. I would like to make peace with her, but I know that she will never forgive us or accept her grandson. So I live with a wound in my heart and with a feeling of guilt before my mother.

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