My child's father is my friend's husband

My child's father is my friend's husband
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I havefriend , the best. She left university straight awaymarried to a wealthy man 11 years older than her. Butthe marriage turned out to be childless. My friend is very beautiful, smart, apparently that’s whyher husband did not leave her, although he really wanted a child.

I don’t know how it happened, but her husband cheated on his friend with me! I got pregnant and decided to give birth. I'm already 34 years old, nomarried and yesI like this man very much. He immediately warned that he was not going to leave his wife, but I didn’t demand it, on the contrary, I was very afraid that my friend would find out about everything. I immediately went on vacation, then, in great secrecy, I told my friend that I had met a foreigner at sea,sex and mepregnant _ A friend began to persuade me to give birth and not repeat her childless fate. Just for the sake of appearances, I doubted it a little, then said that she was right.

My parents, having learned that I was going to give birth to a child from someone unknown, said that they did not want to know me. I rented an apartment, prepared everything for the birth of the child, but I never saw my friend’s husband. She invited her to her place alone, saying that I was ashamed in front of her husband, so I didn’t want to visit them. I had savings, I dreamed of buying a car, so I wasn’t too worried aboutmoney . But when my son was born, my friend’s husband bought me a small apartment and transfers me money for the child every month. I saw my son twice and said that he doesn’t regret our short romance, since now he haschild .

Suddenly my exmy lover offered to give him my son and give me money and help me settle abroad. This came as a shock to me, I categorically refused, threatening to tell my friend everything. I have nothing to lose except my conscience. The offers have been received more than once and are quite tempting. He also promises to open a business for me, buy a house, and even said that I will see my son. You can explain to your friend that I want to arrange my personal life, but the child is in the way.

Now I have put the donated apartment up for sale and want to leave the country. I understand that he will not give me peace because of the child.

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