My father knew that my stepfather was hurting me, but he didn’t protect me in any way.

My father knew that my stepfather was hurting me, but he didn’t protect me in any way.
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 25 years old. Married, no children. Relationships - God forbid everyone. The main problem is that there is no father. He is alive and well, but he is not in my family. Since childhood, I had a stepfather who, while I was little, beat me and then put moral pressure on me.

He got rid of the harmful influence of his stepfather and went to live with his grandmother (thismy father’s mother , who always treated me with great care). We see dad very rarely - consistently once a year on Parents' Day. It rarely happens more than once a year. He has anotherfamily , two children. Actually, why does he need me? For the last two years he has even stopped calling me on my birthday . I feel like a little boy.

From thisThe following problem arises: I become strongly attached to adult men who are stronger than me if they teach me something, or show even basic human attention to me. I was on a business trip with the director, and I felt like he was my dad.

It is clear that he is responsible for me as an employee, but, nevertheless, I am extremely pleased with this attention to whether I have enough money, whether I ate well, etc. I already want, like a child, to lay my head on his shoulder, knowing that he is strong, that he will help and protect. I think this is not normal at 25 years old. As soon as you hear a song about your dad or parents somewhere, you immediately want to cry and it’s very difficult to restrain yourself. I really want to get rid of this.

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