The ups and downs of my life

The ups and downs of my life
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I had a regular onefamily - me,mom and dad. We lived in a small town. My mother has a nativesister Olya. The age difference between them is several years and Aunt Olya hasdaughter Tanya. She is 2 years younger than me. When we were very young, we were often taken to a village near the city to see our grandmother andMy relationship with my sister was excellent.

Olya, as soon as she came outI got married and immediately moved with my husband to the regional center. It is located very close to our city, so they came to their grandmother every weekend, and in the summer Tanya and I constantly visited our grandmother together or went to the same camps. My life with Tanya was very different from childhood.

She lived in one of the largest cities in Russia. There she had many different circles, friends, and amusement parks. She even always dressed much better than me. Olya and herhusband worked very hard, earned quite a lotmoney . But my parents earned very little, and we lived super mega poor. I even remember I wore the same sneakers for a whole year, both winter and summer. It was very cold in them in winter, and very hot in summer...

In short, I envied my sister, but white envy. I always treated her very well, always helped her in any way I could, supported her. I just wanted to live like her. Of course, I had nothing to blame her for, because the problem was with the parents, and not with herself. So I was angry with my parents and even sometimes thought what would have happened if I had been born into the family of my aunt, and not my mother (of course, now I am incredibly ashamed of all these thoughts, but then I was a child and understood little).

My parents divorced when I was in my teens. It was terrible for me. Throughout my childhood, I was registered with a neurologist (I hadproblems with nerves), and then there’s this. In short, I developed numerous neuroses for which I was treated for years. I'm half bald. The head was translucent and the crown of the head was visible. I wore a boyish haircut. Long hair was out of the question. Thanks to my classmates for not making fun of me, but supporting me, because children can be very cruel.

Children and relatives (distant) stopped inviting me to birthday parties; my relatives invited me, but I saw how they looked at the reaction of other guests and often asked me to put a scarf on my head. The hair began to recover and more or less return to normal, but it grew very poorly and broke. At school I began to do very poorly. I started going for walks often.

Then I began to communicate only with bad children. I found myself in bad company. I started drinking, smoking, and taking soft drugs. I often began to miss family holidays either because of a hangover or because I was planning a party with friends, which was more important to me (of course, I also deeply regret this). Mom couldn’t cope with me, and dad didn’t raise me. At all. He just gave me money and that was it.

My relatives had a very bad opinion of Once, even at a family holiday, a relative began to check my veins in front of everyone. Of course, I didn’t stoop to such serious drugs. Then I just laughed, but now I remember and I’m very offended by her action. Why did she do this? And even in front of everyone? Why didn’t she take you to the room, for example?

Aunt Olya began to forbid Tanya to communicate with me in every possible way. She never left us without her supervision when we met at grandma's. We never lived with her at the same time again. My grandmother gave preference to her, since all this was no longer interesting to me and my friends were waiting for me, but Tanya was there for joy. It seemed like everyone was fine, but I was a little offended. After all, I’m already the freak in the family, I wanted more support.

As a result, I was kicked out of school in the 10th grade. It’s good that at least I had a certificate of completion of 9th grade. I refused to go to study, because at that moment I was dating a guy who provided me with everything. I wanted to marry him and hang on his neck all the _ Yes, that was the plan. Then it turned out that he had been cheating on me for a long time, and I left him.

My life began to change with the appearance of a young man in my life, whose name is Kirill. I can't call him a really good person. It’s just that when he and I were together, we made each other better without even noticing it. They fell in love at first sight and became a couple. At that time, we both worked in the regional center (I finally got a job). He invited me to move in together, and we decided to move to that city. Then a year later he proposed to me, and we got married.

All my relatives thought that I had found myself some kind of alcoholic, and that there wouldn’t even be a wedding, and if there was, it would be very noisy and cheap. But no. Through our joint efforts we saved up a decent amount, and the wedding was simply unrealistically beautiful. Even Aunt Olya later told me that everything was very great, and that we were great. When my relatives saw the newlywedhusband and his relatives, realized that they were mistaken and approved my choice. Since thenmy attitude began to improve for the better.

Then we flew to Turkey, for the first time in our lives we went on vacation, and even abroad. The vacation was short, only 6 days, and the hotel was 3 stars. And Olya kept walking and wailing that such a vacation was only for losers. At that moment my husband made herremark , and she roared in the kitchen for a long time. Even her husband did not stand up for her and went to calm her down. We were incredibly pleased. Although 3 stars, the hotel is huge with pools by the sea and excellent food. What more could you want?

As for Tanya. Probably, even at the beginning of the story it was necessary to make it clear that Aunt Olya (her mother) is simply a terrible person. She is constantly rude to everyone, screams, and cannot communicate normally at all. She also has mental problems. In general, we probably have, you know. It’s just that, for example, I recovered from this, but instead of being treated, she works very hard all the time. A real career woman. She doesn’t have time to do anything at home; as a result, her husband takes care of household chores. Tanya was under severe pressure all the time. All of her friends went through a very serious “interview”. As a result, she was allowed to communicate with only one girl, whom Tanya did not particularly like, and she was very bored with her.

Every day there were calls to teachers. She was sent to art school, although she hated drawing. They demanded the best results from her always and everywhere. In general, I was very surprised when I found out that in the quarter in primary school she had C grades. Although I only got straight A's back then. Then there were fours after the fourth grade, and I slipped to the bottom somewhere in the seventh grade, when I found out aboutparents' divorce .

Naturally, Olya was simply beside herself with anger. After all, at all events and family holidays, she talked about her child as some kind of genius. That she is the best and capable everywhere, but here it is. She didn't do well at art school either. Her work never even made it into the top ten. Tanya herself told me all this when we could talk to her at her grandmother’s. And Olya lied to everyone that she was studying with straight A’s and her work was the best in art.

Tanya treated her failures normally and constantly said the same thing: if her mother had yelled at her less, then perhaps she would have had at least a little more desire to do something. By the way,her mother really wanted her to become a doctor. It so happened that our grandmother worked as the chief physician for many years, and we enjoyed certain privileges many times. Olya decided that they had enough connections to achieve success in the field of medicine. But the fact is that Tanya herself did not want to involve everyone in this. She wanted to become a designer. When my mother heard it, there was a wild scandal. She simply shut up her daughter and that was it.

By the way, regarding my education. My mother found me distance education, so I studied. Whenever I wanted. From the very beginning of my relationship with Kirill, I told him everything about my family, about Tanya, about the fact that Olya wants to send her to medical _ Without even suspecting it, I began to understand that I really wanted to go into medicine and even chose my own direction. But my self-esteem was so far down that I thought I definitely couldn’t cope. If I hated school so much and couldn’t go to class, how was I going to study at medical school? It is considered one of the most difficult. It is very difficult to study there. But Kirill supported me in everything and constantly said that he believed in me and everything would be fine.

I began to think about this more seriously at the age of 19, and then it was decided that I would prepare for entrance examinations. At that time, Tanya graduated from school with numerous C grades. Olya no longer said that her daughter was a genius, but she was sure that she would definitely go to medical school. After all, she had been preparing for the Unified State Exam for 3 years and very diligently. It is clear that no one had any doubts at all. After all, Tanya is great. She's goldenchild of our family. And I graduated from school so poorly because of bad teachers, and Tanya herself, of course, is not to blame for this. At that time, I received a diploma, which, by the way, I defended with excellent marks. Of course, the family was happy, but somehow not particularly happy. Most of all they wanted to know if Tanya would do it.

She didn't get in. I noticed that she doesn't go into the room at networks . Apparently the punishment was quite severe. Even that summer they didn’t fly anywhere to rest as usual. Yes, they flew at least 3 times a year to different countries, but I had never been anywhere. Tanya was generally happy and decided that she could go and study to become a designer. But her mother sent her documents to another institute for banking, which Tanya herself did not like at all. Moreover, her mother told her that she would prepare all year and again go to enroll in honey! Like, it’s good that went to school at 6 years old, and not at 7. No one will even notice anything due to age. No one understood why it was necessary to simultaneously study at one institute and prepare to enter another educational institution. All the relatives were disappointed. Once I even heard such words - the same as Katya, she seems to be not very smart. Katya is me.

It so happened that at that age Tanya became more free in her actions and after school she could come to visit me. Olya was always at work, so she didn’t even know about it. I noticed that Tanya was reaching out to me, that I seemed to be the only person who understood her at all. We spent a lot of time together. But one day Olya found me on social media. networks and saw a lot of photos of me. So she realized that we were seeing each other, and started a terrible scandal! She started calling me, my mother and even my father. She said that I have a very bad influence on her daughter, that she drinks from me all day long and now it’s clear why she passed the exams. It was a shame to hear all this. Very.

During that year, I decided that I needed some kind of job so that I could study and work at the same time, because my husband alone could not bear everything. I immediately paid attention to online stores. Once upon a time I already created one on social media. networks where she sold beautiful women's clothing. When Olya found out about this, she told me: “You can sell clothes even in retirement, but now, while you’re young, you need to do business!” Aren’t you ashamed to waste your time on such nonsense?”

It seemed so wild to me then. After all, this is your own business. It may be small and not official, but it’s our own. Even with a meager income. Then my self-esteem sank to the bottom again and I simply deleted the store. At the age of 19 I created it again. Only this time I took it very seriously. And things went well. I bought a promoted account that had previously sold clothes, and my sales started almost instantly. And I then worked at my main job with a 2/2 schedule, and if I managed to snag a part-time job, I always went out. My husband did the same.

Our life with him has changed dramatically. We gave up all bad habits, started playing sports, prepared only healthy food at home, self-development,reading books and much more. I couldn’t even imagine that life could be so interesting and eventful without partying.

We were able to save up for a down payment on a mortgage and bought our own two-room apartment. When the renovations were done, everyone was immediately invited to a housewarming party. In general, there were a lot of relatives, both on my side and on my husband’s side. We celebrated very well; pride was visible in the eyes of my family. But they, you see, didn’t like the fact that we made the living room and bedroom for ourselves. In their opinion, it’s time for us to have children and, accordingly, that room should be a child’s room. Although we didn’t think about children at all then and while we live for ourselves, we want to live in comfort in our bedroom. Other than that everything went well. Although Aunt Olya was very unhappy all evening. I don’t know, maybe this doesn’t concern me, but I had the feeling that she wasn’t pleased that things were turning out this way for me.

My husband and I each had one main job, but if one of us was at home, he took care of the store. My husband and I started running it together. We invested a lot of money in advertising and development. Then we registered an individual entrepreneur with him. I’ll say right away that we didn’t earn mountains of gold, but still more than my salary at my main job, for example. And we decided to arrangecelebration on this occasion. We invited all our relatives to visit us. You know, everyone was very happy for us. Among all our relatives, only we had something of our own. No one has ever gotten into business. I was extremely pleased that there were so many people who were happy for us. Although I remembered how my family behaved when I slipped. Someone just turned away and that’s it. Olya just sat in the corner all day and didn’t say anything. Nothing bad, but nothing good either. I heard that she then told her husband: “let’s see how quickly this business burns out.” This was at the beginning of summer.

Soon, after about a month, all the relatives gathered at my grandmother’s. In general, just small gatherings were planned, but on that very day the lists of those admitted to the medical school were supposed to be posted. Therefore, relatives gathered, and my husband and I came there, and Olya and Tanya too. Then I had to find out for myself whether I got in or not. As a result, we read the lists. It so happened that we missed the first few names, and I didn’t notice what was there, and my relatives only read the last names. I see my name is not there, neither is Tanya. I was terribly upset and then thought it was good that I didn’t tell anyone about it.

And then they decided to read everything again, and one of the relatives said: “look there is a name like our Katenka.” And then I really look at my full name. Everyone stared at me and said yes, it’s just a namesake. But I said that I did. In short, we couldn’t get through to the admissions committee for half an hour and then based on my registration and date of birth we realized that it was really me. At the top of the list. I entered on a budget.

Honestly, I don’t remember the first 10 minutes at all. It was as if I was in some kind of prostration. Everyone congratulated me and hugged me. And I just couldn’t understand what was going on around me. Then I finally realized. Relatives ran to the shops to set the table. After all, one moreThere will be a doctor in the family! And it turns out that Tanya’s parents made a huge cake to order, on which was written: “Congratulations on Tanya’s admission.” Tanya erased her name and wrote mine in chocolate. We all began to eat, celebrate and rejoice. Tanya was incredibly happy for me. Her relatives didn’t understand her fun, so she said: “Sorry, I don’t like medicine, so it’s good that I didn’t get in, I want to be a designer, and I’m very happy for my sister.”

Relatives began to be indignant, like, how could it be, why force a poor child to study for a profession that he did not like. Then Olya comes into the room all red with angry eyes and just starts screaming furiously why we took the cake. It was for Tanya! And I saw that my name was written there. She took Tanya with her and screamed at her for a very long time. She said that she was a disgrace to the family. That her daughter couldn't be that stupid. How is it possible that Katya got in, and even for free, but she didn’t get in at all! Then she stayed in her grandmother’s bedroom and cried there for a long time. She forbade Tanya to celebrate with us. And she also scolded her for saying that she didn’t like medicine, but wanted to become a designer. Again, a shame on the whole family. That these are the genes of a stupid father. The husband simply stood up silently, took the car keys and drove away. In general, a monument should be erected to him during his lifetime for putting up with such a wife. If Tanya has nowhere to go, she is a child, then her husband could have left long ago. Probably for the sake of his daughter he endures it.

Studying turned out to be extremely difficult, but I really love studying there. Now I am already in my 4th year of study. Tanya left at the age of 18. I left the institute and never returned there again. She tried to make peace with her parents, but she was locked at home for a whole month. It got to the point where she called the police. Now she lives with her boyfriend and works in a store. She says she is happy with everything. I often help her with money. We communicate very well and spend a lot of time together.

Conclusion. If it weren't for all the bad things that happened to me, I would never have achieved all this. If Olya had behaved normally towards Tanya, everything would have been fine. She would not have left home and would have received a higher education rather than working as a saleswoman. Tanya herself said that her mother broke her, and she simply could not stand it anymore. That my mother discouraged me from wanting to study. I am one of the best students in my group, my family is very happy with me. I'm glad.

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