The guy doesn't agree that I go to my friend's wedding without him

The guy doesn't agree that I go to my friend's wedding without him
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I was invited to a wedding to be a witness by my best childhood friend. We once quarreled and didn’t communicate for about two years, then we made up, but it’s clear that we won’t be best friends anymore, we just communicate like good friends, and this invitation was a big surprise for me.

I have never gone to a wedding, I have never been a witness (I just don’t like it, I have a slightly different position on celebrating a wedding, but I have nothing against the position and desires of others). But I am pleased that after so many years, she considers me a close friend and that she wants to see me in this role.

They hold a small wedding, exclusively for close friends and relatives. She chose two witnesses from her friends, and her fiancé chose two witnesses from his best friends.

The problem is that I have been dating a guy (for 6 years now) and he is not invited to the wedding. I clarified thatThe friends she calls also all go without their boyfriends.

But he was very offended by this, because she knows him too, but is not very good in person, since we have not communicated for a long time. But in his understanding, since we are a couple, we should always go together on such holidays.

Although he didn’t give me a direct prohibition not to go to such a wedding, he said that he didn’t like it, we even quarreled, and he thinks that it’s not good and he’s against me going to a wedding with someone else’s guy (so how I will be a witness and will sit at the same table with the witness and the newlyweds and communicate with them to a greater extent).

My parents tell me that I shouldn't go, it's minechildhood friend , this is interestingexperience andA guy once didn’t really let me go on all sorts of holidays and birthdays.

Of course, I understand why he is offended and worried and jealous, but we have been together for so many years, there has never been any reason to be jealous. But they also have this position, a small wedding, only close friends, probably because they don’t want any drunken fights and showdowns between strangers. Don't know. I can't tell her how to arrange her wedding.

My friend really wants me to be a witness, she talks and writes to me a lot about this. Just after these words that she wants to share this important day with me. I feel somehow awkward, since I don’t mind going as a witness, but on the other hand, is it normal that my witness will not bemy boyfriend , and anyway, why isn’t he going to the wedding?

Although, on the other hand, if I were a witness, I certainly wouldn’t want him to be present at the wedding. No matter how he looked at it, I was at a table with a witness, and he was with people unknown to him at another table.

Although she promised me that there would be no kissing competitions, no vulgar ones either, that everything would be within the bounds of decency, and mythe guy has no reason to worry.

In general, even if I go to the wedding not as a witness, all the same, as I understand it, he will not go, and they will have seating arrangements for the guests according to the principle of boy, girl, boy, girl, something like that. And I'll still be sitting with some guy.

It’s better to go as a witness, because although I know her friends, they have their own company, since they study together, and I won’t be very comfortable sitting next to people essentially unknown to me.

Will it look okay for me to go witness without my boyfriend. Although the other witness also has a boyfriend, he is not at all against her going alone.

And how can I calm my boyfriend down and convince him that everything will be fine? I am very worried about this, what to do right, because I have never been to a wedding and I don’t know if this is a normal situation.

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