The guy listened to his mother and left his pregnant girlfriend

The guy listened to his mother and left his pregnant girlfriend
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

It started onmy daughter's birthday . When she turned 1 year old, all our close friends and relatives gathered. My husband and I were married for exactly 2 years, we were happy and everyone just adored mydaughter . I was at the partyhusband's nephew - Ildar,Mom's friend Aunt Vera , and her daughter Lera. Lera and I and all of Aunt Vera’s children grew up together, since she is a close friend of my mother. Lera is 9 years younger than me, so I’ve known her since she was a baby. She and Ildar got into troublenovel . But everyone was against it, my sister-in-law (Ildaramom ) and all her othersher friends thought Lera was stupid because she had meningitis as a child.

After the holiday, Ildar and Lera began to meet secretly and theirthe relationship lasted two years. But all his relatives were against their communication.

Soon she became pregnant. They all categorically insisted on an abortion, but Lera firmly decided to give birth. When she was 6 months pregnant, his mother found him another girl to wife and married him. I didn’t go there, I thought it was wrong. Moreover, they didn’t tell his wife anything, they hid everything. Perhaps she still doesn't know the truth.

Lera gave birth to a boy, but she does not have enough money to support the child. Ildar is hiding from her and has changed his phone number. Now she called me and asked for my number. I don’t communicate with Ildar at all after that and I don’t know the number.

What do you think, what to do, what to do?

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